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. 2021 Jun 21;193(25):E948–E955. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.201903

Table 1:

Characteristics of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadian-born mothers in small urban and rural areas and the total cohort

Characteristic Rural area
n = 12 800*
Small urban area
n = 18 300*
Total cohort
n = 31 100*

No. (%) of Indigenous mothers
n = 600
No. (%) of non-Indigenous mothers
n = 12 200
p value No. (%) of Indigenous mothers
n = 1200
No. (%) of non-Indigenous mothers
n = 17 100
p value No. (%) of Indigenous mothers
n = 1800
No. (%) of non-Indigenous mothers
n = 29 300
p value
Age of mother at birth, yr

 15–24 230 (38.4) 1964 (16.1) < 0.001 444 (37.0) 3164 (18.5) < 0.001 675 (37.5) 5128 (17.5) < 0.001

 25–50 370 (61.6) 10 236 (83.9) 756 (63.0) 13 937 (81.5) 1125 (62.5) 24 173 (82.5)

Marital status

 Lone 96 (16.0) 781 (6.4) 0.003 352 (29.3) 1402 (8.2) < 0.001 446 (24.8) 2198 (7.5) < 0.001

 Cohabitating 504 (84.0) 11 419 (93.6) 848 (70.7) 15 698 (91.8) 1354 (75.2) 27 103 (92.5)


 Less than high school 136 (22.6) 939 (7.7) < 0.001 252 (21.0) 1471 (8.6) < 0.001 387 (21.5) 2403 (8.2) < 0.001

 High school diploma or vocational certificate 270 (45.0) 3745 (30.7) 566 (47.2) 4925 (28.8) 837 (46.5) 8673 (29.6)

 Greater than high school diploma or vocational certificate 194 (32.4) 7515 (61.6) 382 (31.8) 10 705 (62.6) 576 (32.0) 18 225 (62.2)

Household income, $

 0–29 999 192 (32.0) 1696 (13.9) < 0.001 492 (41.0) 2172 (12.7) < 0.001 682 (37.9) 3868 (13.2) < 0.001

 30 000–59 999 221 (36.8) 3965 (32.5) 241 (20.1) 5147 (30.1) 464 (25.8) 9112 (31.1)

 ≥ 60 000 152 (25.4) 5990 (49.1) 340 (28.3) 9029 (52.8) 491 (27.3) 15 031 (51.3)

 Missing 35 (5.8) 549 (4.5) 127 (10.6) 752 (4.4) 162 (9.0) 1319 (4.5)

Before-tax income

 At or below the low-income cut-off 184 (30.7) 1415 (11.6) < 0.001 464 (38.7) 2189 (12.8) < 0.001 648 (36.0) 3604 (12.3) < 0.001

 Above the low-income cut-off 381 (63.5) 10 236 (83.9) 608 (50.7) 14 142 (82.7) 990 (55.0) 24 378 (83.2)

 Missing 35 (5.8) 549 (4.5) 127 (10.6) 770 (4.5) 162 (9.0) 1319 (4.5)


 1 child 257 (42.9) 4819 (39.5) 0.6 430 (35.8) 7285 (42.6) 0.2 688 (38.2) 12 101 (41.3) 0.4

 2 children or more 343 (57.1) 7381 (60.5) 770 (64.2) 9815 (57.4) 1112 (61.8) 17 199 (58.7)

Social support during pregnancy

 No support or some 318 (53.0) 4624 (37.9) 0.02 444 (37.0) 6789 (39.7) 0.6 765 (42.5) 11 427 (39.0) 0.4

 All times 282 (47.0) 7576 (62.1) 756 (63.0) 10 311 (60.3) 1035 (57.5) 17 873 (61.0)

Stressful events in past 12 mo

 Not stressful 269 (44.9) 5514 (45.2) 0.7 391 (32.6) 7404 (43.3) 0.01 662 (36.8) 12 921 (44.1) 0.01

 Somewhat stressful 246 (41.0) 5368 (44.0) 565 (47.1) 7883 (46.1) 810 (45.0) 13 244 (45.2)

 Very stressful 85 (14.1) 1318 (10.8) 244 (20.3) 1813 (10.6) 328 (18.2) 3135 (10.7)

Any abuse

 No 421 (70.1) 11 126 (91.2) < 0.001 859 (71.6) 15 082 (88.2) < 0.001 1280 (71.1) 26 194 (89.4) < 0.001

 Yes 179 (29.9) 1074 (8.8) 341 (28.4) 2018 (11.8) 520 (28.9) 3106 (10.6)

Travel distance to the hospital for birth, km

 No travel and < 50 314 (52.4) 9577 (78.5) < 0.001 1049 (87.4) 15 202 (88.9) 0.8 1357 (75.4) 24 788 (84.6) < 0.001

 50–200 146 (24.4) 2367 (19.4) 118 (9.8) 1556 (9.1) 266 (14.8) 3926 (13.4)

 ≥ 200 139 (23.2) 256 (2.1) 34 (2.8) 325 (1.9) 176 (9.8) 586 (2.0)

Birth satisfaction

 Low 53 (8.8) 927 (7.6) 0.9 90 (7.5) 1539 (9.0) 0.6 142 (7.9) 2461 (8.4) 0.8

 Moderate 64 (10.7) 1305 (10.7) 104 (8.7) 1932 (11.3) 169 (9.4) 3223 (11.0)

 High 483 (80.5) 9967 (81.7) 1006 (83.8) 13 629 (79.7) 1489 (82.7) 23 587 (80.5)

Satisfied with travel

 Positive 209 (34.9) 2855 (23.4) 0.02 134 (11.2) 3215 (18.8) 0.06 347 (19.3) 6065 (20.7) 0.08

 Neutral 81 (13.5) 2294 (18.8) 73 (6.1) 1932 (11.3) 155 (8.6) 4219 (14.4)

 Negative 83 (13.8) 830 (6.8) 53 (4.4) 616 (3.6) 137 (7.6) 1465 (5.0)

 Missing/not applicable 227 (37.8) 6210 (50.9) 940 (78.3) 11 337 (66.3) 1161 (64.5) 17 551 (59.9)

Stay in hospital during pregnancy but before labour

 Yes 190 (31.6) 1574 (12.9) < 0.001 318 (26.5) 2377 (13.9) 0.0005 508 (28.2) 3956 (13.5) < 0.001

 No 410 (68.4) 10 626 (87.1) 882 (73.5) 14 723 (86.1) 1292 (71.8) 25 345 (86.5)

Delivery type

 Vaginal (including spontaneous and instrumental) 445 (74.1) 9089 (74.5) 0.9 833 (69.4) 12 722 (74.4) 0.3000 1278 (71.0) 21 799 (74.4) 0.3

 Cesarean 155 (25.9) 3111 (25.5) 367 (30.6) 4378 (25.6) 522 (29.0) 7501 (25.6)

Other birth complications

 Yes 41 (6.9) 1061 (8.7) 0.6 76 (6.3) 1556 (9.1) 0.3000 117 (6.5) 2608 (8.9)

 No 559 (93.1) 11 139 (91.3) 1124 (93.7) 15 544 (90.9) 1683 (93.5) 26 692 (91.1) 0.2

Neonatal intensive care unit admission

 Yes 38 (6.4) 1342 (11.0) 0.2 128 (10.7) 2103 (12.3) 0.6 166 (9.2) 3457 (11.8)

 No 562 (93.6) 10 858 (89.0) 1072 (89.3) 14 997 (87.7) 1634 (90.8) 25 843 (88.2) 0.3

N are weighted and rounded.

Based on an unweighted sample size of 3100 women (exact number rounded to ensure anonymity).