Absolute risk of advanced neoplasia at follow-up evaluation, according to baseline patient and adenoma characteristics among individuals with low-risk adenomas according to UK guidelines (A) and European Union (EU)/US (B) guidelines. Age groups (years); sex (F=female, M=male); race (W=white, B=black, O=other); family Hx is family history of colorectal cancer (N=no, Y=yes); smoking (N=never, F=former, C=current); BMI is body mass index (N=normal weight BMI <25 kg/m2; OW=overweight BMI ≥25 kg/m2 and BMI<30 kg/m2; OB=obese BMI ≥30 kg/m2); prev polyp is history of a previous polyp (N=no, Y=yes); number is number of baseline adenomas (<5 mm and ≥5 to <10 mm); histology is histology of baseline adenomas (T=tubular; V=tubulovillous or villous); HGD is high-grade dysplasia in baseline adenomas (N=no, Y=yes).