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. 2021 Jun 21;17(6):e1009078. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009078

Table 1. Performance of alignment methods.

HG002 HiFi HG002 CLR HG002 ONT HG002 HiFi hifiasm hap1 HG002 HiFi hifiasm hap2
lra runtime 942m 7428m 1528m 105m 90m
memory 12.01G 16.46G 13.96G 31.10G 28.66G
# of mapped reads 1.84M 4.95M 1.37M 396 411
# of mapped bases 35.85Gb 86.82Gb 25.45Gb 2.87Gb 2.98Gb
minimap2 runtime 890m 1973m 1358m 100m 82m
memory 19.04G 18.49G 22.88G 20.95G 21.90G
# of mapped reads 1.85M 5.06M 1.41M 492 496
# of mapped bases 36.20Gb 87.36Gb 25.73Gb 2.92Gb 3.01Gb
ngmlr runtime 5087m 33047m 8862m - -
memory 13.6G 14.67G 17.00G - -
# of mapped reads 1.78M 4.84M 2.07M - -
# of mapped bases 34.59Gb 83.75Gb 24.22Gb - -

Each dataset was aligned to GRCh37 by all methods with 16 threads, with—indicating a software crash. Total CPU time is reported. The optimal values in each class are given in bold. The HiFi hifiasm assembly is a haplotype-resolved de novo assembly of HG002 using HiFi reads, with haplotype N50 values of 50.55Mb and 42.92Mb.