IH morphology changes after host cell death. (A) Representative time-lapse of M. oryzae CKF2187 expressing sec-GFP (green) and nuclear tdTomato (magenta) invading a rice cell from 33 to 37 hpi. Shown are single plane confocal images of merged bright-field and fluorescence. Nuclear stage is indicated in the upper right-hand corner together with hpi. Growth of IH become more filamentous after disruption of the vacuole (white arrowheads). The first IH to cross into the next host cell (double white arrowheads) originated from IH that had grown to be densely packed against the host cell wall before vacuole rupture. Bar = 20 μm. (B) Graphical summary showing six time-lapsed CKF2187 infections ranging from 32 to 40 hpi. Shown are the nuclear stages when vacuole rupture was observed (gray bars) and the relative increase in nuclear stage when IH were observed to spread into neighboring host cells (black bars). The time elapsed between vacuole rupture and IH spreading is shown in parenthesis, corresponding to the black bars. For additional context, the nuclear stage at which 50% EIHM disruption occurred (13–14 nuclei; Figure 4D; n = 390) is denoted by the dotted gray line.