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. 2020 Oct 12;89(7):1861–1869. doi: 10.1038/s41390-020-01188-6

Table 3.

(a) Probit estimates with sampling adjusted weighting for the direct, total, and indirect effects of ACEs on flourishing outcomes by race/ethnicity of children ages 6–17 years. (b) Moderation effect parameter estimates differences with sampling adjusted weighting for direct, total, and indirect effects of ACEs on flourishing outcomes by race/ethnicity of children ages 6–17 years.

(a) White Black Hispanic
Estimate (SE) 95% CI Estimate (SE) 95% CI Estimate (SE) 95% CI
Direct effects
 ACE → RESIL −0.065 (0.004)* [−0.073, −0.056] −0.113 (0.015)* [−0.142, −0.085] −0.096 (0.011)* [−0.117, −0.075]
 RESIL → CUR 0.451 (0.027)* [0.397, 0.504] 0.528 (0.071)* [0.388, 0.668] 0.421 (0.066)* [0.292, 0.550]
 RESIL → FIN 0.453 (0.024)* [0.405, 0.500] 0.379 (0.070)* [0.242, 0.515] 0.423 (0.062)* [0.302, 0.545]
 RESIL → RES 0.477 (0.024)* [0.431, 0.523] 0.414 (0.066)* [0.285, 0.543] 0.376 (0.062)* [0.255, 0.497]
 ACE → CUR −0.127 (0.011)* [−0.148, −0.105] −0.057 (0.030) [−0.116, 0.002] −0.066 (0.026)* [−0.117, −0.015]
 ACE → FIN −0.159 (0.011)* [−0.180, −0.138] −0.097 (0.029)* [−0.154, −0.040] −0.107 (0.025)* [−0.156, −0.058]
 ACE → RES −0.117 (0.011)* [−0.139, −0.095] −0.107 (0.028)* [−0.162, −0.052] −0.100 (0.027)* [−0.152, −0.048]
Total effects
 ACE → CUR −0.156 (0.011)* [−0.178, −0.134] −0.117 (0.029)* [−0.175, −0.059] −0.106 (0.026)* [−0.157, −0.056]
 ACE → FIN −0.188 (0.011)* [−0.209, −0.167] −0.140 (0.029)* [−0.197, −0.084] −0.148 (0.025)* [−0.196, −0.099]
 ACE → RES −0.148 (0.011)* [−0.170, −0.126] −0.154 (0.028)* [−0.208, −0.100] −0.136 (0.026)* [−0.188, −0.084]
Indirect effects
 ACE → RESIL → CUR −0.029 (0.003)* [18.59%] [−0.034, −0.024] −0.060 (0.010)* [51.28%] [−0.080, −0.040] −0.040 (0.008)* [37.74%] [−0.056, −0.025]
 ACE → RESIL → FIN −0.029 (0.002)* [15.43%] [−0.034, −0.024] −0.043 (0.009)* [30.71%] [−0.060, −0.026] −0.041 (0.008)* [27.70%] [−0.055, −0.026]
 ACE → RESIL → RES −0.031 (0.002)* [20.95%] [−0.036, −0.026] −0.047 (0.009)* [30.52%] [−0.064, −0.029] −0.036 (0.007)* [26.47%] [−0.050, −0.022]
(b) Hispanic vs White Δ Hispanic vs Black Δ White vs Black Δ
Direct effects
 ACE → RESIL −0.032 (0.012)* [−0.054, −0.009] 0.017 (0.018) [−0.018, 0.053] 0.049 (0.015)* [0.019, 0.079]
 RESIL → CUR −0.030 (0.071) [−0.170, 0.110] −0.108 (0.097) [−0.298, 0.083] −0.077 (0.076) [−0.227, 0.072]
 RESIL → FIN −0.029 (0.067) [−0.160, 0.101] 0.045 (0.093) [−0.138, 0.228] 0.074 (0.074) [−0.070, 0.219]
 RESIL → RES −0.101 (0.066) [−0.230, 0.028] −0.038 (0.090) [−0.215, 0.139] 0.063 (0.070) [−0.074, 0.200]
 ACE → CUR 0.061 (0.028)* [0.005, 0.116] −0.009 (0.040) [−0.087, 0.069] −0.070 (0.032)* [−0.132, −0.007]
 ACE → FIN 0.052 (0.027) [−0.001, 0.105] −0.010 (0.038) [−0.085, 0.065] −0.062 (0.031)* [−0.122, −0.001]
 ACE → RES 0.017 (0.029) [−0.039, 0.073] 0.007 (0.039) [−0.069, 0.083] −0.010 (0.030) [−0.069, 0.049]
Total effects
 ACE → CUR 0.049 (0.028) [−0.006, 0.104] 0.011 (0.039) [−0.066, 0.087] −0.039 (0.031) [−0.100, 0.023]
 ACE → FIN 0.040 (0.027) [−0.012, 0.093] −0.007 (0.038) [−0.082, 0.067] −0.048 (0.031) [−0.108, 0.012]
 ACE → RES 0.012 (0.029) [−0.045, 0.068] 0.018 (0.038) [−0.057, 0.093] 0.006 (0.030) [−0.052, 0.064]
Indirect effects
 ACE → RESIL → CUR −0.011 (0.008) [−0.028, 0.005] 0.019 (0.013) [−0.006, 0.045] 0.031 (0.011)* [0.010, 0.051]
 ACE → RESIL → FIN −0.011 (0.008) [−0.027, 0.004] 0.002 (0.012) [−0.021, 0.025] 0.014 (0.009) [−0.004, 0.032]
 ACE → RESIL → RES −0.005 (0.008) [−0.020, 0.010] 0.011 (0.011) [−0.012, 0.033] 0.016 (0.009) [−0.002, 0.034]

The latent variable of family resilience was reverse coded to show that larger values indicated more flourishing (*p < 0.05). Percentages in brackets are the proportion of the total effect explained by family resilience with 20% or more indicating partial mediation.

ACEs adverse childhood experiences, CI confidence interval, RESIL family resilience, CUR flourishing outcome of interest and curiosity in learning new things, FIN flourishing outcome of finishing tasks, RES flourishing outcome of staying calm and in control when faced with a challenge.