Figure 1.
AQP6 expressed in transient heterologous transfection constructs rarely reaches the plasma membrane. (A) The N-terminal tGFP-labeled AQP6 construct is shown (tGFP-AQP6). The peptide linker is shown in blue and the C-terminal 10× Histag in black. (B) The C-terminal GFP-labeled AQP6 construct is shown (AQP6-tGFP). The peptide linker is shown in blue and the C-terminal 10× Histag in black. (C) Transient transfection of an AQP6-tGFP construct in HEK293 cells yields very poor to no expression. (D) Transient transfection of tGFP-AQP6 construct in HEK293 cells improves expression but most of the expressed protein is retained in the ER. Scale bars (C, D): 5 µm. (E) Very rarely, the tGFP-AQP6 construct localizes to the PM (white arrows) in HEK293 cells. Scale bar: 3 µm. Cells were observed microscopically using an upright Olympus BX51WI equipped with 100 × 1 NA objective, and images were captured using a Grasshopper3 CMOS camera (FLIR, Richmond, BC, Canada) controlled by Leica LAS X version 3.5 software (available at: All figures were created using Adobe Illustrator CS6 (available at:, under an Adobe Inc., Creative Cloud Desktop 2019 shared device license to Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) that operates until 3/31/2022.