Table 2.
Children's vaccination status.
N (%) | |
Younger child | 577 |
Scheduled vaccinations reported by caregivers | |
Up-to-date | 451 (78.2) |
Not up-to-date | 126 (21.8) |
Received vaccinations based on the child's age | |
Up-to-date | 366 (63) |
Not up-to-date | 211 (37) |
Missed (incomplete) *vaccinations at | |
Birth | 3 (1) |
2 months | 15 (5) |
4 months | 36 (12) |
6 months | 40 (14) |
9 months | 55 (19) |
12 months | 46 (16) |
18 months | 35 (12) |
24 months | 65 (22) |
Older child | 67 |
Scheduled vaccinations reported by caregivers | |
Up-to-date | 57 (85) |
Not up–to-date | 10 (15) |
Received vaccinations based on the child's age | |
Up-to-date | 54 (80.5) |
Not up-to-date | 13 (19.4) |
Missed (incomplete) *vaccinations for older child at | |
Birth | 0 (0) |
2 months | 3 (23) |
4 months | 2 (15) |
6 months | 3 (23) |
9 months | 3 (23) |
12 months | 0 (0) |
18 months | 0 (0) |
24 months | 2 (15) |
Vaccination schedule in Saudi Arabia at Birth: 1st dose of hepatitis B vaccine (HepB); 2 months: 2nd dose of HepB, 1st dose of rotavirus vaccine (Rota), 1st dose of diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis combination vaccine (DTaP), 1st dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (Hib), 1st dose of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), and 1st dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV); 4 months: 3rd dose of HepB, 2nd dose of Rota, 2nd dose of DTaP, 2nd dose of Hib, 2nd dose of PCV, and 2nd dose of IPV; 6 months: 4th dose of HepB, 3rd dose of DTaP, 3rd dose of Hib, 3rd dose of PCV, 2nd dose of IPV, 1st dose of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV), and BCG vaccine; 9 months: 1st dose of quadruple conjugated meningococcus vaccine (MCV4) and 1st dose of measles vaccine; 12 months: 1st dose of measles, mumps, rubella vaccine (MMR), 2nd dose of MCV4, 2nd dose of OPV, and 4th dose of PCV; 18 months: 4th dose of DTaP, 4th dose of Hib, 2nd dose of OPV, 1st dose of HepA, 1st dose of Varicella, 2nd dose of MMR; 24 months: 2nd dose of HepA.
The bold value (67) is the total (N) number of older children.
The bold value [57 (85)] is the N (%) of older children who were Up-to-date with vaccinations.
The bold value [10 (15)] is the N (%) of older children who were Not Not up-to-date with their vaccination.