SCNT‐PSCs and healthy pups derived from the RS‐1 treatment of cloned embryos. A, Efficiency of IVF‐ESC, SCNT‐PSC, and SCNT‐RS‐1‐PSC derivation. The efficiency of SCNT‐PSC derivation was analysed based on the total number of blastocysts cultures on mitotically inactivated MEF feeder cells. ESC and PSC derivation was performed three times (* P < .05). B, Photograph of ESCs and PSCs from the IVF, SCNT, and SCNT‐RS‐1 groups. Alkaline phosphatase staining (AP staining) represents colonies. C, The efficiency of SCNT and SCNT‐RS‐1 cloned pup derivation was analysed based on the total number of embryos transferred to the pseudopregnant mice (* P < .05). D, Normal growth was observed during nursing in the cloned pups (green arrow). Cloned pup derivation was performed five times