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. 2021 Apr 13;26(3):935–957. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12513

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics for all variables of the analyses

Variable Item Wording Response format M SD Min. Max. n
Cat. 0 Cat. 1
Risk perception 0 = ‘not at all’ to 10 = ‘extremely likely’
RiskS contracting a How likely do you think it is that you will be infected with the virus in the future? 4.15 2.45 0 10
RiskS severe symptoms b If you are infected, how likely do you think it is that you develop serious symptoms? 4.43 2.51 0 10
RiskS spreading virus c If you are infected, how likely do you think it is that you pass on the corona virus to others? 4.23 2.94 0 10
RiskO contracting d How likely do you think it is that others in your environment will be infected with the corona virus in the future? 5.08 2.53 0 10
RiskO severe symptoms e How likely do you think it is that these persons will develop serious symptoms? 4.67 2.37 0 10
Response efficacy How effective do you think the following measures are against a corona virus infection? 0 = ‘not effective at all’ to 10 = ‘extremely effective’
RE preventive behaviours f the official hygiene recommendations, i.e. washing your hands thoroughly, sneezing or coughing into a handkerchief or the crook of your arm. 8.47 1.74 0 10
RE social distancing g keep your distance from others, i.e. do not attend events with larger groups, avoid public transport, do not shake hands with others or hug or kiss them as a greeting. 8.95 1.62 0 10
RE recommended behaviours h recommendations on what to do in case of symptoms, i.e. get medical advice by phone, stay at home and avoid contact with others 8.76 1.69 0 10
RE alternatives i alternative measures, e.g. going out into the fresh air, eating garlic, praying 3.29 3.23 0 10
Self‐efficacy I am sure that I can manage to… 0 = ‘does not apply at all’ to 10 = ‘applies exactly’
SE preventive behaviours j … follow the hygiene recommendations, even if it is difficult (washing my hands thoroughly, sneezing or coughing in a handkerchief or crook of my arm) 8.89 1.68 0 10
SE social distancing k … keep my distance from others, even if it is difficult (not attending events with larger groups, avoiding public transport, not shaking hands with others) 8.71 1.98 0 10
SE recommended behaviours l … follow the recommendations on what to do in case of symptoms, even if it is difficult (get medical advice by phone, stay at home and avoid contact with others). 8.95 1.65 0 10
SE total score Mean score of three self‐efficacy items (Cronbach’s Alpha =.69) 8.85 1.39 0 10
Social norms My environment (friends, colleagues, family) would find it excessive if I … 0 = ‘does not apply at all’ to 10 = ‘applies exactly’
SN preventive behaviours m …followed the hygiene recommendations (washing my hands thoroughly, sneezing or coughing in a handkerchief or crook of my arm) 1.67 3.04 0 10
SN social distancing n … kept my distance from others (no attending events with larger groups, avoiding public transport, no shaking hands) 1.84 3.08 0 10
SN recommended behaviours o … followed the recommendations on what to do in case of symptoms (get medical advice by phone, stay at home) 1.69 3.06 0 10
SN alternatives p …took alternative measures (e.g. go out into the fresh air, eat garlic, pray) 4.23 3.76 0 10
Intentions I have the intention to … 0 = ‘does not apply at all’ to 10 = ‘applies exactly’
Intent preventive behaviours q … follow the hygiene recommendations (washing my hands thoroughly, sneezing or coughing in a handkerchief or crook of my arm) 9.31 1.58 0 10
Intent social distancing r … keep my distance from others (no attending events with larger groups, avoiding public transport, not shaking hands) 9.22 1.82 0 10
Intent recommended behaviours s … follow the recommendations on what to do in case of symptoms (get medical advice by phone, stay at home) 9.33 1.64 0 10
Intent alternatives t …take alternative measures (e.g. go out into the fresh air, eat garlic, pray) 3.98 3.79 0 10
Behaviours How often... 0 = ‘never’ to 10 = ‘always’
Preventive behaviours u …do you follow the hygiene recommendations? (wash your hands thoroughly, sneeze or cough in a handkerchief or crook of your arm) 9.22 1.15 0 10
Social distancing v …do you keep your distance from others? (do not attend events with larger groups, avoid public transport, do not shake hands with others or give a welcome hug or kiss) 9.18 1.50 0 10
Recommended behaviours x If you had or have symptoms: do you follow the recommendations on what to do in case of symptoms? (get medical advice by phone, stay at home and avoid contact with others) 9.29 1.43 0 10
Alternative behaviours w … do you use alternative measures? (e.g. going out into the fresh air, eating garlic, praying) 3.93 3.64 0 10
Dichotomous outcomes
Intent preventive behaviours .71 .45 0 1 292 716
Intent social distancing .71 .46 0 1 295 712
Intent recommended behaviours .72 .45 0 1 283 724
Intent alternatives .32 .47 0 1 679 322
Preventive behaviours .58 .49 0 1 427 580
Social distancing .62 .49 0 1 385 620
Recommended behaviours .66 .47 0 1 303 594
Alternative behaviours .32 .47 0 1 680 320

Min. = minimum, Max. = maximum, Cat. 1 = for all DVs except for intentions for alternative measures, and alternative behaviours highest category, Cat 0 = for all DVs except for intentions for alternative measures, and alternative behaviours all other categories of the 11‐point response scale. Cat 1 for intentions for alternative measures and alternative behaviours all answers from categories 6 to 10, and Cat 0 all answers from categories 0 to 5.


Risk to self of contracting COVID‐19.


Risk to self of developing severe symptoms.


Risk to self of spreading the virus.


Risk to others of contracting COVID‐19.


Risk to others of developing severe symptoms.


Response efficacy for preventive behaviours.


Response efficacy for social distancing.


Response efficacy for recommended behaviours in case of symptoms.


Response efficacy for alternative measures.


Self‐efficacy for preventive behaviours.


Self‐efficacy for social distancing.


Self‐ efficacy for recommended behaviours in case of symptoms.


Social norm for preventive behaviours.


Social norm for social distancing.


Social norm for recommended behaviours in case of symptoms.


Social norm for alternative measures.


Intention for preventive behaviours (not dichotomous).


Intention for social distancing (not dichotomous).


Intention for recommended behaviours in case of symptoms (not dichotomous).


Intention for alternative measures (not dichotomous).


Preventive behaviours (not dichotomous).


Social distancing (not dichotomous).


Alternative behaviours (not dichotomous).


Recommended behaviours (not dichotomous).