Ultrasmall MoS2 QDs were added to preformed Aβ tetramers with molar ratios Aβ:MoS2=4:4 (A, C, E) and Aβ:MoS2=4:8 (B, D, F). (A, B) Radial distribution functions of Aβ and MoS2 atoms from the center of mass of the cluster. (C, D) Number of ultrasmall MoS2 QDs bound on Aβ tetramers after simulations reached steady state. (E, F) Typical testudo-like Aβ-o-MoS2 complex formations, where ultrasmall MoS2 QDs in the exterior shielded Aβ-o in the interior. Ultrasmall MoS2 QDs are shown as sticks and colored by elements. Aβ peptides are shown as cartoons and colored by chains with N-termini indicated by spheres and β-sheet structures highlighted in red.