(a-e) Induced Tregs (iTregs; Tomato+CD8α−neuropilin-1−) and Treg derived CD4-IELs (exTreg-IELs; Tomato+CD8α+) were sorted from Zbtb7bfl/flxRunx3fl/+xRosa26|s|tdTomato xFoxp3CreER (iFoxp3(ΔThPOK)) mice after 10 weeks of tamoxifen administration followed by ATAC-Sequencing from IE. (a, b) Volcano representation of differentially accessible chromatin regions (DACR) between WT and ΔThPOK of the same cell type as indicated, performed by Wald pairwise comparison test, padj<0.01. (c) Data of accessible chromatin increase (red) and decrease (blue) between WT and ΔThPOK of the same cell type as indicated. Numbers of DACR (left) and percent of DACRs at promoter regions (right). (d-e) Principle component analysis (d) and corresponding Euclidean distance heatmap (e) of DACR of all WT and ΔThPOK cell types from the IE. Each sample consisted of 5,000–40,000 cells from 2 or 3 pooled mice, n=2 samples).