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. 2021 Mar 8;27(9):1704–1720. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15548


List of 59 traits and physiological variables identified, their descriptions from the original papers, and the corresponding number of studies and species. A study is defined as an experiment carried out on a given species in a paper (i.e., a paper may present multiple studies if it covers multiple species). Units are not reported as they differ widely across studies

Group Trait and physiological variable name/abbreviation Short description No. of studies No. of species
Leaf gas exchange, development, and anatomy 01. Whole‐plant transpiration rate Whole‐plant water loss measured gravimetrically 38 21
02. Leaf transpiration rate Single‐leaf gas exchange measured via IRGA system 31 25
03. Stomata conductance Leaf conductance to H2O using IRGA/porometer 62 35
04. Photosynthetic rate Single‐leaf gas exchange measured via IRGA system 36 25
05. Leaf area Measured on one or more representative leaves 62 36
06. Leaf expansion rate Rate of leaf expansion per unit of time 4 2
07. Leaf dry mass Mass of oven‐dried leaves 21 11
08. Specific leaf area Ratio of leaf area to its mass 37 26
09. Stomatal size Stomatal dimensions 27 10
10. Stomatal density Stomata number per unit area 37 22
11. Stomatal index Number of stomata relative to epidermal cells 15 7
12. Trichome density Number of trichomes per unit area 1 1
13. Epicuticular wax Amount of leaf epicuticular wax 2 2
14. Epidermal cell size Epidermal cell dimensions 9 9
15. Vein density Number of veins per unit area 2 2
16. Leaf thickness Leaf thickness measured directly by microscope 10 10
17. Air space fraction in leaf Area of intercellular air space in the spongy mesophyll 5 5
18. Spongy mesophyll cell number Number of spongy mesophyll cells per unit area 2 2
19. Length of mesophyll cell Length of the palisade mesophyll cells 4 4
Leaf hormonal, carbohydrate, and mineral status 20. Leaf ABA Abscisic acid concentration in the leaf 13 6
21. Leaf starch Starch content in the leaf 4 3
22. Leaf soluble carbohydrates Soluble carbohydrates content in the leaf 4 3
23. Leaf N Nitrogen content in the leaf 24 17
24. Leaf P Phosphorus content in the leaf 14 6
25. Leaf K Potassium content in the leaf 14 7
26. Leaf Ca Calcium content in the leaf 20 14
27. Leaf Mg Magnesium content in the leaf 7 6
28. Leaf Fe Iron content in the leaf 3 2
29. Leaf Na Sodium content in the leaf 6 4
30. Leaf S Sulfur content in the leaf 3 3
31. Leaf Zn Zinc content in the leaf 2 2
32. Leaf Mo Molybdenum content in the leaf 1 1
33. Leaf B Boron content in the leaf 2 2
34. Leaf V Vanadium content in the leaf 2 2
35. Leaf methionine Methionine content in the leaf 1 1
36. Leaf alpha‐aminobutyric acid Alpha‐aminobutyric acid content in the leaf 1 1
37. Leaf glutamine Glutamine content in the leaf 1 1
38. Leaf threonine Threonine content in the leaf 1 1
39. Leaf allothreonine Allothreonine content in the leaf 1 1
Whole‐plant mass, development, and architecture 40. Whole‐plant dry mass Total mass of oven dried stems, leaves and roots 36 25
41. Shoot dry mass Mass of oven dried stems and leaves 80 62
42. Root dry mass Mass of oven dried whole‐roots systems or fine roots 30 15
43. Plant height Plant height measured from the collar 61 47
44. Leaf number Total number of leaves per plant 32 22
45. Number of branches and tillers Total number of branches and tillers per plant 3 3
46. Diameter of stem base Measured near the soil 2 2
47. % Leaves with wide insertion angle Percentage of leaves with an angle higher than 67° 1 1
48. % Leaves with narrow insertion angle Percentage of leaves with an angle lower than 22° 1 1
49. Fractional radiation interception Ratio of transmitted to incident short wave radiation 1 1
Yield and reproductive development 50. Yield Fruit, grain, leaf, root yields of crop plants 25 12
51. Number of flowers Number of flowers or flowering buds per plant 12 8
52. Number of bracts Number of bracts per plant 1 1
53. Flower size Dimensions of flowers 1 1
54. Time to flowering Time from the experiment initiation to flowering 8 8
55. Time to anther opening Number of hours until most or all anthers are open 9 4
56. Sugar in fruit Total sugar content in fruit 2 1
57. K in fruit or flower Potassium content in the fruit or flower 3 2
58. Ca in fruit or flower Calcium content in the fruit or flower 3 2
59. Methionine in fruit Methionine content in the fruit or flower 1 1

Abbreviations: ABA, abscisic acid; B, boron; Ca, calcium; Fe, iron; IRGA, infrared gas analyzer; K, potassium; Mg, magnesium; Mo, molybdenum; N, nitrogen; P, phosphorus; S, sulfur; V, vanadium; Zn, zinc.