Figure 6.
Heritable gene editing with a PVX vector expressing mobile sgRNAs.
(a) Schematic representation of recombinant clone PVX::sgXT2B‐tFT in which the sgRNA was modified by the 3′ addition of a truncated FT (tFT) motif (light orange box). Other details as in the legend to Figure 1.
(b) Genotype analysis of the seedling progeny (n = 36) from plants inoculated with PVX::sgXT2B‐tFT. Seeds were collected from the entire plants and pooled. Percentage of each genotype is represented in stacked columns and was determined as in Figure 5b.
(c) Phenotype of systemic leaves of Cas9 Nicotiana benthamiana plants infected with PVX::sgXT2B‐tFT (left) or PVX::sgPDS3ii‐tFT (right) 5 weeks after infiltration.