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. 2021 Apr 6;42(6):787–795. doi: 10.1002/humu.24200

Table 1.

The 22 candidate positions for paralogous sequence variants (PSVs) between SMN1 and SMN2 are shown

SMN1 position SMN2 position Gene location Ref SMN1 Ref SMN2 Categorization Conversion nomenclature SMN2>SMN1 Source of information
70231509 69356085 Intron 1 G A SNPa c.82‐3157A>G BLAT
70240028 69364605 Intron 4 G A SNPa c.628‐457A>G BLAT
70242435 69367010 Intron 6 T C SNPa c.834+432C>T BLAT
70242978 69367553 Intron 6 A G SNVb c.834+975G>A BLAT
70244142 69368717 Intron 6 A G SNPa c.834+2139G>A Monani et al. /BLAT
70245876 69370451 Intron 6 T C PSV c.835‐1897C>T Monani et al. /BLAT
70246016 69370591 Intron 6 G A PSV c.835‐1757A>G Monani et al. /BLAT
70246019 69370594 Intron 6 T C PSV c.835‐1754C>T Monani et al. /BLAT
70246156 69370731 Intron 6 G A PSV c.835‐1617A>G Monani et al. /BLAT
70246167 69370742 Intron 6 T C PSV c.835‐1606C>T BLAT
70246320 69370895 Intron 6 G A PSV c.835‐1453A>G Monani et al. /BLAT
70246793 69371368 Intron 6 G A PSV c c.835‐980A>G Monani et al. /BLAT
70246872 69371448 Intron 6 AGGCA PSV c c.835‐900_835‐896del Monani et al. /BLAT
70246919 69371499 Intron 6 A C PSV c c.835‐849C>A Monani et al. /BLAT
70247219 69371799 Intron 6 G A PSV c c.835‐549A>G Monani et al. /BLAT
70247290 69371870 Intron 6 T C PSV c.835‐478C>T Monani et al. /BLAT
70247401 69371981 Intron 6 C A SNVb, c c.835‐367A>C Monani et al. /BLAT
70247724 69372304 Intron 6 G A PSV c c.835‐44A>G Monani et al. /BLAT
70247773 69372353 Exon 7 C T PSV c c.840T>C Monani et al. /BLAT
70247921 69372501 Intron 7 A G PSV c c.*3+100G>A Monani et al. /BLAT
70248036 69372616 Intron 7 A G PSV c c.*3+215G>A Monani et al. /BLAT
70248501 69373081 Exon 8 G A PSV c c.*239A>G Monani et al. /BLAT

Note: These positions were obtained from a previous bibliographic compilation (Monani et al., 1999) and were complemented with a BLAT between the two genes, as deposited in the reference genome Hg19. Repetitive regions (polyA, polyT, and polyGT) were discarded. The candidate positions were genotyped in the patients studied in this study (n = 53) and in samples with at least one SMN1 (n = 3) to check for consistency. From the 22 candidates, six were discarded as PSVs, four of them are listed as SNPs instead, and the remaining two as rare SNV. Therefore, a total of 16 nucleotides (in bold in the Table) differentiate SMN1 and SMN2 genes, 10 of which had been previously described and validated, 5 had been described but not validated, and 1 is considered here as a PSV for the first time.

Abbreviations: BLAT, BLAST‐like alignment tool; SNP, single‐nucleotide polymorphism; SNV, single‐nucleotide variant.


These positions show high variability between samples and were therefore classified as SNPs (including position c.835‐367C/A previously validated by Monani et al., 1999).


In these positions, the same nucleotide has always been found in both SMN1 and SMN2. Thus, G>A and A>C exchanges appears to be very rare SNV found in the reference genome.


These 11 positions were previously classified as bona fide PSVs, after being tested in a control population of 15 individuals (Monani et al., 1999).