Fig. 1.
Orchid phylogeny, ancestral state reconstruction of trophic mode and symbiotic association. The orchid chronogram is annotated with subfamilies and tribes represented by three‐letter initials (see the full name in Supporting Information Table S2); the highest posterior probability state of trophic modes is mapped on all internal nodes of the tree based on ancestral state reconstruction (Fig. S5). AU, autotrophy; PMH, partial mycoheterotrophy; MH, full mycoheterotrophy. The geological time scales are visualized by circles from upper Cretaceous (c. 90–66 million yr ago (Ma)), via Paleocene (c. 66–23 Ma), and Neogene (c. 23–2.58 Ma), to Quaternary (from 2.58 Ma to the present). The outside matrix represents the presence or absence of 17 fungal families containing putative orchid mycorrhizal fungi (Dearnaley et al., 2012). Fungal families are ranked by lifestyles and the number of orchid species they associate with. The lifestyles (‘rhizoctonia‐like’ fungi (RHI), ectomycorrhizal (ECM), ECM/saprotrophic (ECM/SAP), and SAP) of each fungal family are visualized using different colors. Visualization was generated using the R package ggtree (Yu, 2020).