Allocation of current DAA regimens and DAA adherence of the 13 951 HCV patients
DAA regimen | N (%) |
DCV/ASV | 556 (4.0) |
<24 wks | 40 (0.3) |
24 wks | 516 (3.7) |
PrOD ± RBV | 2524 (18.1) |
<12 wks | 7 (0.05) |
12 wks | 2382 (17.1) |
24 wks | 135 (1.0) |
EBR/GZR | 2099 (15.0) |
<12 wks | 16 (0.1) |
12 wks | 2080 (14.9) |
16 wks | 3 (0.02) |
SOF/LDV ± RBV | 4101 (29.4) |
<12 wks | 15 (0.1) |
12 wks | 4071 (29.2) |
12‐24 wks | 3 (0.02) |
24 wks | 12 (0.09) |
SOF/RBV | 1670 (12.0) |
<12 wks | 5 (0.04) |
12 wks | 1652 (11.8) |
16 wks | 13 (0.09) |
SOF/DCV ± RBV | 523 (3.7) |
<12 wks | 2 (0.01) |
12 wks | 509 (3.6) |
12‐24 wks | 7 (0.05) |
24 wks | 5 (0.04) |
GLE/PIB | 1989 (14.3) |
<8 wks | 1 (0.007) |
8 wks | 1618 (11.6) |
12 wks | 352 (2.5) |
16 wks | 18 (0.1) |
SOF/VEL | 390 (2.8) |
<12 wks | 1 (0.007) |
12 wks | 383 (2.7) |
12‐24 wks | 1 (0.007) |
24 wks | 5 (0.04) |
SOF/VEL/VOX | 20 (0.1) |
<12 wks | 2 (0.01) |
12 wks | 18 (0.1) |
Others | 79 (0.6) |
DAA adherence | |
>80% | 13 903 (99.7) |
60%‐80% | 14 (0.1) |
40%‐60% | 8 (0.1) |
20%‐40% | 14 (0.1) |
<20% | 12 (0.1) |
Values expressed as mean ± standard deviation or sample size and proportion (%).
Abbreviations: ASV, asunaprevir; DAA, directly‐acting antivirals; DCV, daclatasvir; EBR, elbasvir; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate (mL/min/1.73 m2); GLE, glecaprevir; GZR, grazoprevir; LDV, ledipasvir; PIB, pibrentasvir; PrOD, paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir/dasabuvir; RBV, ribavirin; SOF, sofosbuvir; VEL, velpatasvir; VOX, voxilaprevir.