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. 2021 May 3;112(7):2714–2727. doi: 10.1111/cas.14916



ZNF213 inhibits the migration and invasion of triple negative breast cancer cells. A‐B, ZNF213 inhibits cell migration and invasion in BT549 cells. We used the trans‐well assay to check the migration and invasion capacity. The cell number was counted and data are showed as ±SD. ***P < .001 (student's t‐test). C‐D, Wound healing assay of BT549 cells with stable expression of ZNF213 or empty vector. Quantification of wound closure at the specified time points. Data are showed as ±SD. ***P < .001 (student's t‐test). E‐F, ZNF213 inhibits cell migration and invasion in MDA‐MB‐231 cells. We used the trans‐well assay to check the migration and invasion capacity. The cell number was counted and data are showed as ±SD. ***P < .001 (student's t‐test). G‐H, Wound healing assay of MDA‐MB‐231 cells with stable expression of ZNF213 or empty vector. Quantification of wound closure at the specified time points. Data are showed as ±SD. **P < .01, ***P < .001 (student's t‐test). I‐K, ZNF213 overexpression inhibited the tumor growth of MDA‐MB‐231 cells in a xenograft model. The growth of xenografts was monitored over 5 weeks. Then the size and weight of xenograft tumors were measured. Data are showed as ±SD. *P < .05,**P < .01 (student's t‐test)