ZNF213 promotes YAP poly‐ubiquitination at K252, K254, K321 and K497 sites. A, The intact ZNF213 protein is necessary for it to facilitate K48‐linked ubiquitination on YAP. HEK293 cells were transfected with 2 µg Flag‐YAP, 1 µg HA‐K48 Ubi plasmid and 1 µg GFP‐ZNF213 full length or mutants (ΔZF, ΔKRAB‐A+ΔZF, ΔLeR/SCAN, ΔLeR/SCAN+ΔKRAB‐A). The K48‐specific polyubiquitinated YAP was detected through the analysis of western blotting. B, The intact ZNF213 protein is necessary for its inhibition effect on K48‐linked ubiquitination on YAP. HEK293 cells were transfected with 2 µg Flag‐YAP, 1 µg HA‐K63 Ubi plasmid and 1 µg GFP‐ZNF213 full length or mutants (ΔZF, ΔKRAB‐A+ΔZF, ΔLeR/SCAN, ΔLeR/SCAN+ΔKRAB‐A). The K63‐specific polyubiquitinated YAP was detected through the analysis of western blotting. C‐D, K252, K254, K321 and K497 mutations (K252R, K254R, K321R and K497R) largely abolished ubiquitination of YAP by ZNF213. HEK293 cells were transfected with indicated vectors for ubiquitination assays. The poly‐ubiquitinated YAP was detected through the analysis of western blotting