Protoporphyrin-IX binding to BSA leads to a blue shift and loss of BSA intrinsic fluorescence.A, BSA (0.5 μM) was incubated with PP-IX (0–50 μM) for 30 min (pH 7.4), followed by recording of the emission spectra after exciting at 280 nm. The numbers above the spectral traces represent PP-IX concentration in μM. Inset shows the same spectra normalized to the BSA-alone sample emission maxima. B and C, change in BSA fluorescence emission at 347 nm (panel B), and change in emission maxima of BSA (panel C) as a function of PP-IX concentration at the indicated pH. For panel B, the fluorescence emission of “BSA-alone” was normalized to 100%. Inset shows the zoomed initial part (0–5 μM PP-IX) of the curve. The data in all panels is an average of three independent experiments ± standard deviation.