Diurnal changes in chl-roGFP2 OxD and ΦPSII during 1 day of HL regime followed by 2
days of normal light conditions in pgr5 and gl1
plants. A and C, Changes in chl-roGFP2 OxD over time from the experiment onset.
chl-roGFP2 fluorescence was monitored throughout the experiment and chl-roGFP2 OxD
values were calculated. Oxidation values were normalized to steady-state oxidation
levels. Each treatment involved 32 plants divided into 4 independent plates that were
consolidated in a “sliding window” (n = 4) display. Values represent
means ± SE for pgr5 (A) and gl1 (C). roGFP2 data
were acquired using the chl-PRXaTP-roGFP2. B, ΦPSII over time from the experiment
onset. ΦPSII values were derived from chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and
represent means of 12 plants ± SE for pgr5 (B) and
gl1 (D). The color bar denotes the light conditions: black, night;
yellow, normal light; and red, HL.