Differential regulation of GlyRs, GABA
ARs, and gephyrin through altered network activity. (E–G) Quantification of synaptic levels of GlyRs, GABA
ARs, and GABA
AR/GlyR ratios using ICC. Some of these data are the same as in Fig
4 (TTX and 4‐AP treatment). (H) Treatment of cultured spinal cord neurons with 4‐AP strongly reduced gephyrin immuno‐labeling (KW test,
P < 0.0001). Gephyrin was detected with mAb7a antibody that recognizes the phosphorylated S270 epitope of gephyrin. (I, J) Intensity ratios of gephyrin/GlyR and GABA
AR/gephyrin, showing their relative changes at the same synapses (KW test,
P < 0.0001 in I and J). The control (CTRL) condition was without any pharmacological treatment. Number of synapses:
n = 9,416 in TTX (blue traces),
n = 6,949 in 4‐AP (red),
n = 8,856 in CTRL (black),
n = 8,150 in strychnine/gabazine conditions (purple) from three independent experiments. KW test/Dunn's test,
P values indicate the comparison to the TTX condition. ns: not significant, ****
P < 0.0001.