Colocalization of Siwi‐D670A with BmSpnE or BmQin in non‐perinuclear cytoplasmic condensates. Scale bar 8 μm.
Colocalization of wild‐type piRNA factors with BmDcp2 in P‐bodies. BmSpnE and BmQin, but not BmVasa, are localized in BmDcp2‐containing P‐bodies. Scale bar 8 μm.
Localization of Siwi piRNA loading mutant (Y607E) in BmN4 cells. (Top) Siwi‐Y607E is largely dispersed in the cytoplasm. (Bottom) Introduction of Y607E mutation into Siwi‐D670A compromised its colocalization with BmDcp2. Scale bar 8 μm.
Colocalization of endogenous BmMael with BmDcp2, Siwi, and Siwi‐D670A. BmMael is partially localized to the peripheral region of BmDcp2‐containing P‐bodies and is strongly colocalized with both wild‐type and mutant Siwi in nuage and P‐bodies, respectively. Scale bar 10 μm (cell), 2 μm (foci, enlarged region from the white box).
Colocalization of stably expressed GFP‐BmArmi with Siwi and Siwi‐D670A. BmArmi is partially localized to both Siwi (nuage) and Siwi‐D670A (P‐bodies). Scale bar 10 μm (cell), 2 μm (foci, enlarged region from the white box).