Table 2.
The description of socioeconomic and environmental factors used in this study with their spatial and temporal resolutions, and sources.
Category | Factors and units | Range | Spatial resolution | Temporal resolution | Sources |
Topographic | Elevation (m) | 325–2296 | 30 m | _ | USGS |
Slope (°) | 0–57.42 | 30 m | _ | USGS | |
Aspect (°) | -1–359.90 | 30 m | _ | USGS | |
Climatic | Total annual precipitation (mm) | 590–1503 | 1 km | 1970–2000 | WorldClim |
Solar radiance (w m−2) | 15763–20511 | 1 km | 1970–2000 | WorldClim | |
Maximum temperature (°C) | 19.78–33.63 | 1 km | 1970–2000 | WorldClim | |
Minimum temperature (°C) | 8.60–21.57 | 1 km | 1970–2000 | WorldClim | |
Mean temperature (°C) | 14.30–26.30 | 1 km | 1970–2000 | WorldClim | |
Social | District status (urban, rural) | - | District level | Central Statistics Office of Zambia (CSO) | |
Total population (count) | 25, 294–1,701,640 | District level | 1969–2010 | CSO | |
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) rate | District level | 2010 | CSO | ||
Population density (persons km-2) | 2.70–4,841.60 | District level | 2010 | CSO | |
Crop yield (tonnes) | 451.93–67,600.78 | District level | 1990–2010 | CSO | |
Population change (count) | 17,369–1,359, 354 | District level | 1990–2010 | CSO | |
Proximity | Euclidean distance to active mine centres (km) | 0–280.35 | 30 m | _ | Ministry of Mines for Zambia |
Euclidean distance to waterbody edges (km) | 0–108.62 | 30 m | _ | Forest Department (FD) | |
Euclidean distance to town centres (km) | 0–82.56 | 30 m | _ | FD | |
Accessibility | Euclidean distance to road (km) | 0–104.25 | 30 m | _ | Road Development Agency of Zambia (RDA) |
Euclidean distance to railway (km) | 0–108.67 | 30 m | _ | FD | |
Euclidean distance to rivers (km) | 0–128.62 | 30 m | _ | FD | |
Euclidean distance to border towns (km) | 0–355 | 30 m | - | Ministry of Tourism | |
Distance to airports (km) | 0–305 | 30 m | Ministry of Tourism |