Figure 1.
MCU-mediated mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake activates mitochondrial PDE2 to inhibit mitochondrial PKA activity. (A) QRT-PCR analysis for the mRNA level in LS174T cells treated as indicated. (B) Western blot analysis of protein level of mitochondrial MCU in LS174T cells treated as indicated. (C) Relative mitochondrial PDE2 activity in LS174T cells treated as indicated. (D) Relative mitochondrial PKA activity in LS174T cells treated as indicated. (E) Relative activities of mitochondrial PDE2 and PKA in LS174T cells treated as indicated (Bay 60-7550, 4.7nM PDE2 inhibitor for 24h). (F) Relative activities of mitochondrial PDE2 and PKA in LS174T cells treated as indicated (H89, 1μM PKA inhibitor for 24h). MCU, expression vector encoding mitochondrial calcium uniporter; shCtrl, expression vector encoding control shRNA; shMCU, expression vector encoding shRNA against MCU; EV, empty vector; PV-Mito, expression vector encoding parvalbumin with mitochondria target sequence. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ns, not significant.