A) Each animal received an 8mm femoral segmental defect, stabilized by a polysulfone internal fixation plate. The white, dotted rectangle indicates the location of the defect and the white arrow indicates the fixation plate. Additionally, one group of animals will also receive an 8mm volumetric muscle loss in the adjacent quadricep muscle (not shown). Ex vivo imaging shows the fixation plate stabilizing the femur and the nanofiber mesh construct within the defect site, which is used for the HMP hybrid delivery system. Ex vivo images are reproduced with permission from Krishnan et al (18). B) The defects will be treated with 30ug BMP-2 delivered in HMPs within an alginate/nanofiber mesh construct or 30ug BMP-2 delivered on an adsorbable collagen sponge. C) The timeline of the study indicates the timepoints for defect creation, BMP-2 treatment, blood collections, uCT scans, radiographic images (Faxitron), histology, and mechanical testing.