A) A representative image of one slice taken from uCT imaging shows the defect bone volume region and the heterotopic bone volume region. In addition, the shadow of the fixation plate can be seen, and the PCL mesh can be seen just inside the defect bone volume region. Total bone volume includes both defect bone volume and heterotopic bone volume. Longitudinal quantification of total bone volume (B), defect bone volume (C), absolute heterotopic bone volume (D), and percent of heterotopic bone (E) reveals differences in bone regeneration over time between the collagen and HMP groups. Morphological bone characteristics, including trabecular number (F), trabecular thickness (G), and connectivity (H), were also evaluated and reveal differences in bone structure over time between the collagen and HMP groups. There were no differences in the polar moment of inertia between groups (I). Significance was determined using two-way ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparisons test where p<0.05 (*), p<0.01 (**), p<0.005 (***), and p<0.001 (****).