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. 2021 Jun 23;54(2):144–151. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1729507

Table 1. Patient details.

S. No. Patient age/sex Procedure done Recipient vessels Size of flap
Complication Follow-up period
in months
Objective assessment score
Abbreviations: F, female; IJV, internal jugular vein; LFVT, linguofacial venous trunk; M, male; MRND, modified radical neck dissection; PABCN, posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve; STA, superior thyroid artery; SOHD, supraomohyoid neck dissection.
1 40/M Hemiglossectomy, SOHD, and marginal mandibulectomy Facial artery and IJV (ES) 6 × 5.5 Nil 16 A 3
2 53/M Hemiglossectomy and MRND 2 Facial artery and vein 5.5 × 4.5 Nil 18 A 3
3 39/F Hemiglossectomy and MRND 2 STA and LFVT 4 × 3 Nil 12 A 3
4 35/M Hemiglossectomy, SOHD, and marginal mandibulectomy STA and EJV 4.5 × 3.5 Paraesthesia over PABCN territory for 14 days .Venous thrombosis—flap salvaged. 16 A 3
5 60/M Hemiglossectomy, MRND, and marginal mandibulectomy STA and LFVT 4 × 3 Nil 18 A 2
6 57/F Hemiglossectomy and MRND 2 STA and EJV 6.5 × 4.5 Nil 10 A 3
7 52/M Hemiglossectomy and SOHD Facial artery and vein 6 × 4.5 Nil 24 A 3
8 62/M Hemiglossectomy and MRND STA and LFVT 5.5 × 4 Nil 12 A 3
9 49/M Hemiglossectomy and MRND STA and LFVT 6.5 × 4.5 Hypertrophic scar in the donor site 24 A 3
10 65/F Hemiglossectomy and SOHD STA and LFVT 5.5 × 4.5 nil 18 A 3
11 53/F Hemiglossectomy and MRND STA and LFVT 4.5 × 3 Hypertrophic scar at the donor site 16 B 2
12 46/M Hemiglossectomy. MRND, and marginal mandibulectomy STA and EJV 4 × 3.5 Nil 24 A 3
13 58/M Hemiglossectomy and MRND STA and EJV 4.5 × 4 Nil 24 A 3
14 69/M Hemiglossectomy and MRND 2 Facial vessels 5.5 × 3.5 Nil 12 A 2
15 55/M Hemiglossectomy and SOHD Facial vessels 4.5 × 3 Nil 14 A 3
16 63/M Hemiglossectomy, MRND, and marginal mandibulectomy STA and EJV 6.5 × 4.5 Nil 16 A 2
17 67/M Hemiglossectomy and SOHD STA and IJV
4 × 3.5 Nil 12 A 3
18 54/F Hemiglossectomy and MRND STA 5.5 × 4 Paraesthesia over PABCN for 12 days 24 A 3
19 47/M Hemiglossectomy and MRND STA and LFVT 5 × 4.5 Nil 12 A 3
20 54/M Hemiglossectomy and SOHD Facial vessels 4 × 3.5 Nil 24 A 3
21 68/F Hemiglossectomy and SOHD STA and LFVT 4.5 × 4 Nil 24 B 3
22 71/M Hemiglossectomy and MRND STA and EJV 4 × 4.5 Nil 16 A 3