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. 2021 Jun 1;78(13):5341–5370. doi: 10.1007/s00018-021-03846-2

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Markovian models of receptor channel activity. a Simplest Markovian model of a receptor channel, with two unitary states: open (O) and closed (C). The transition rates describing channel opening and closure are respectively ko and kc. Both transition rates are a function of the agonist concentration [A]. b Application of the two-states model to steady-state situations. K is the equilibrium constant, and depends on agonist concentration. c MWC model. L, r and K are constants depending on receptor structure and [G] is the GABA concentration. The open states are O (no GABA bound), OG (one GABA) and OG2 (two GABA); likewise, C, CG and CG2 are the close states