Fig. 2.
Analysis of canonical, known, and newly identified iGluR splice junctions. A All 259 known canonical junctions were identified. Normalization to the mean junction abundance of the respective subunit shows that canonical junctions belonging to a gene occur with rather similar abundance (see also Fig. S7A). B Most known alternative splice junctions from previously annotated transcripts were identified (93/120), but only 46 were classified as relevant based on our abundance criteria (blue). Normalization was performed with respect to the corresponding canonical junctions, see Methods. C Another 772 junctions were newly identified using a de novo identification approach, but based on their relative abundances, only 19 were classified as relevant (blue). D The relevant alternative junctions correspond to different events and iGluRs: C, alternative combination of canonical donor and acceptor sites; D, alternative donor site; A, alternative acceptor site; DA, alternative acceptor and donor sites. For splice site analysis see Fig. S6