Fig. 3. Cytoplasmic enzyme-activity-retaining SETD2 truncation and tri-methylation-mimicking mutant of α-tubulin rescue neuronal defects induced by SETD2 knockdown.
a Immunoprecipitation by α-TubK40me3 antibody and following immunoblotting with α-tubulin showed that the level of α-TubK40me3 was increased in HEK293 cells transfected with Flag-SETD2(1469-1724) and Flag-NES-SETD2(1469-1724), while the level of H3K36me3 was not significantly changed (n = 3 biological replicates). b Immunostaining of Flag (green) and α-tubulin (red) showed the subcellular localization of Flag-SETD2(1469-1724) and Flag-NES-SETD2(1469-1724) in HEK293 cells (n = 3 biological replicates). Cells were stained for DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 5 μm. c Representative images of coronal brain sections in somatosensory cortex at E16 showed the distribution of GFP+ cells (green) electroporated with GFP reporter as well as shNC, mSETD2 shRNA2 or mSETD2 shRNA2 together with Flag-NES-SETD2(1469-1724) at E14. Sections were stained for DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 25 μm. d Quantitative analysis of c showed that the migration defects induced by SETD2 knockdown was rescued by expressing Flag-NES-SETD2(1469-1724) (n = 6, 12, 13, respectively). e Representative images of GFP+ neurons (green) in IZ. Brain slices were stained for DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 10 μm. f Quantitative analysis of e showed that the percentage of neurons at the multipolar stage in IZ was rescued by expressing Flag-NES-SETD2(1469-1724) (n = 6, 12, 13, respectively). g Representative images of coronal brain sections in somatosensory cortex at E16 showed the distribution of GFP+ cells (green) electroporated with GFP reporter as well as shNC, mSETD2 shRNA2 or mSETD2 shRNA2 together with Flag-α-tubulinK40F/K40A at E14. Sections were stained for DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 25 μm. h Quantitative analysis of g showed that the migration defects induced by SETD2 knockdown was rescued by expressing α-tubulinK40F but not α-tubulinK40A (n = 28, 22, 10, 12, respectively). i Representative images of GFP+ neurons (green) in IZ. Brain slices were stained for DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 10 μm. j Quantitative analysis of i showed that the percentage of neurons at the multipolar stage in IZ was rescued by expressing α-tubulinK40F but not α-tubulinK40A (n = 28, 22, 10, 12, respectively). All data were shown as the mean ± s.e.m. and analyzed using two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post-hoc test. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001 versus shNC; #P < 0.05, ###P < 0.001 versus shRNA2. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.