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. 2021 May 17;36:100885. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.100885

Table. 1.

Left part shows four blocks of regression results, each with the regression applied to one of 4 sub-group of infants: 1: n = 168 total scanned cohort, 2:n = 158 excluding 10 scanned infants with coexisting diagnosis. 12 PNC are included, 3: n = 156 excluding 12 infants with PNC including 10 with coexisting diagnosis, 4: n = 146 excluding 22 scanned infants with PNC or other diagnosis. In each block, the upper part gives the results from regressions corresponding to the one performed in Supplementary document 1. The upper part of the upper block repeats the results obtained in the second regression in Supplementary document 1. In the lower half of each block, the product WMxBGT is not allowed in the regression, but all other MRI and biochemical and clinical variables are allowed. For each regression, the significant factors in the regression equation are listed with the corresponding factors. The resulting 2 × 2 tables are shown with the Positive Predictive Value (PPV) for adverse outcome, the Negative Predictive Value (NPV) for adverse outcome, Specificity (Sp), Sensitivity (Se) and Predictive Accuracy (PA). Right part shows the description as for the left part, but with classifications from cross tables with only one MRI variable selected, either WMxBGT or TIS, in each block.

Variables allowed Steps in binary logistic regression B value (B0-B3) Outcome using binary logistic regression
Cut off variable used Cut-off for binary outcome prediction Outcome using cross-tables
Favourable Adverse Total NPV, PPV & Predictive Accuracy Favourable Adverse Total NPV, PPV & PA
1:n=168 Total scanned [$]\\vskip 50\\bf\\rotate 90{?>cohort (9 dead and one [$]\\vskip 24\\hskip 6\\bf\\rotate 90{?>survivor excluded) All MRI, clinical and biochemical variables
0:constant -3.370 129 14 143 90% NPV WMxBGT
≤2 126 13 139 91%NPV
1:WMxBGT 0.693 3 22 25 88%PPV >2 6 23 29 79%PPV
2:LDH72h 0.036 132 36 168 132 36 168
98% Sp 61% Se 90%PA 95% Sp 64%Se 89%PA

As above except WMxBGT
0:constant -4.425 127 14 141 90% NPV Total Injury Score
≤5 123 12 135 91%NPV
1:TIS 0.587 5 22 27 81%PPV >5 9 24 33 73%PPV
2:LDH72h 0.028 132 36 168 132 36 168
96% Sp 67% Se 89%PA 93%Sp 67%Se 88% PA

2:n=158 Excluding 10 [$]\\vskip 50\\bf\\rotate 90{?>scanned infants with [$]\\vskip 24\\hskip 6\\bf\\rotate 90{?>co-existing diagnoses 12 [$]\\vskip --10\\hskip 13\\bf\\rotate 90{?>(PNC are included) All MRI, clinical and biochemical variables
0:constant -4.185 123 11 134 92%NPV WMxBGT
≤2 122 10 132 92%NPV
1:WMxBGT 0.745 4 20 24 83%PPV >2 5 21 26 81%PPV
2:timeLact<5 0.049 127 31 158 127 31 158
3:no inotrope 0.581 97% Sp 65%Se 91% PA 96%Sp 68%Se 91% PA

As above except WMxBGT
0:constant -4.968 124 11 135 93%NPV Total Injury Score
≤5 118 9 127 93%NPV
1:TIS 0.632 3 20 23 87%PPV >5 9 22 31 71%PPV
2:peakLDH 0.023 127 31 158 127 31 158
98% Sp 65%Se 91% PA 93%Sp 71%Se 89% PA c

3: n=156 Excluding [$]\\vskip 52\\bf\\rotate 90{?>12 infants with PNC and [$]\\hskip 6\\vskip 25\\bf\\rotate 90{?>including 10 with [$]\\hskip 12\\vskip 0\\bf\\rotate 90{?>co-existing diagnoses All MRI, clinical and biochemical variables
0:constant -4.191 120 10 130 92%NPV WMxBGT
≤2 118 11 129 91%NPV
1:WMxBGT 0.695 3 23 26 88%PPV >2 5 22 27 81%PPV
2:LDH72h 0.036 123 33 156 123 33 156
3:no inotrope 0.485 98% Sp 70% Se 92% PA 96%Sp 67%Se 90% PA c

As above except WMxBGT
0:constant -4.943 119 10 129 92%NPV Total Injury Score
≤5 115 10 125 92%NPV
1:TIS 0.679 4 23 27 85%PPV >5 8 23 31 74%PPV
2:peakLDH 0.040 123 33 156 123 33 156
3:no adren -0.078
97% Sp 70% Se 91% PA 93%Sp 70%Se 88% PA

4: n=146 Excluding [$]\\vskip 51\\bf\\rotate 90{?>22 scanned infants with [$]\\hskip 6\\vskip 25\\bf\\rotate 90{?>PNC and co-existing [$]\\hskip 12\\vskip --1\\bf\\rotate 90{?>diagnoses All MRI, clinical and biochemical variables
0: constant -4.640 117 9 126 93%NPV WMxBGT
≤2 114 8 122 93%NPV
1:WMxBGT 1.082 1 19 20 95%PPV >2 4 20 24 83%PPV
2:no inotrope 1.077 118 28 146 118 28 146
3:no adren bolus -1.905 99% Sp 68% Se 93% PA 97% Sp 71% Se 92% PA

As above except WMxBGT 0: constant -5.675 116 10 126 92%NPV Total Injury Score ≤5 110 7 117 94%NPV
1:TIS 0.772 2 18 20 90%PPV >5 8 21 29 72%PPV
2:no inotrope 0.756 118 28 146 118 28 146
3:no adren bolus: -1.113 98% Sp 64% Se 92% PA 93%Sp 75%Se 90% PA