Figure 2.
Supervised beego maintains haemostasis capacity. (a) Heatmap with coagulation cascades data obtained via label-free data-independent acquisition. Plasma levels of proteins involved in coagulation cascades were tested by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry at three time points (wFD1, wFD7 and rFD7) from five males and five females for each group. (b) Heatmap of haemostasis related proteins. The levels of proteins were tested at three time points (wFD1, wFD7 and rFD7) from five males and five females. The grey positions represent proteins with abundance too low to be reliably assessed as enriched. (c–f) Coagulation tests. Clotting dynamics were measured at four time points (wFD1, wFD4, wFD7 and rFD7). The tests include activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT, male=11, female=17), prothrombin time (PT, male=11, female=17), international normalised ratio (INR, male=11, female=17), thrombin time (TT, male=11, female=17). (g–i) Plasma levels of haemostatic biomarkers. The levels of known haemostasis-related proteins were measured at four time points as indicated. The tests included antithrombin III (AT III, male=11, female=17); fibrinogen (FIB, male=11, female=17); Ca2+ in plasma, male=11, female=20. Data are means±SEM. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001. *significant compared with the wFD1 (07:00 am), immediately before the start of fasting. APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; PT, prothrombin time; rFD, refeeding days; wFD, water-only fasting day.