Induction of autophagy reduces DNA damage and NP cell apoptosis, and facilitates AIM2 secretion. (A) Protein levels and quantification of AIM2, LC3 and p62 in H2O2-treated NP cells pre-treated with starvation (8 h) or rapamycin (10 μM, 8 h). (B,C) TEM images of NP cells indicated the number and morphology of autophagosomes (red arrows), and quantification of autophagosomes numbers (C). (D,E) TUNEL images of NP cells in different groups (D) and corresponding quantification of cell apoptosis (E). (F,G) Immunostaining of γ-H2AX (F) and mean fluorescence intensity of NP cells in different groups (G). (H) Secretion of AIM2 measured by ELISA analysis. Data were presented as the means ± SD, n = 3. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 vs. control group; #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01 vs. H2O2 group; ns, P > 0.05, no significant difference.