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. 2021 Jun 22;15:684825. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.684825


Machine learning applications used to predict clinical outcomes in epilepsy.

References Subjects Imaging modality Imaging features Classifiers Main outcomes
Paldino et al. (2014) 32 MCD (P) DTI FA, MD RF Sens. = 1.00, Spec. = 0.954 to predict language impairment
Amarreh et al. (2014) 20 EPI (P), 29 HC DTI FA, MD, AD, RD SVM ACC > 90% for EPI vs. HC, > 75% to discriminate remission
Memarian et al. (2015) 20 TLE (10 R, 10 L) sMRI Morph (SBM) SVM ACC = 95% to predict seizure outcome after surgery, when combined with other clinical info/EEG
Munsell et al. (2015) 70 TLE, 43 HC DTI Network measures SVM ACC = 0.80 for TLE vs. HC, 0.70 to predict seizure outcome after surgery
Bernhardt et al. (2015) 141 TLE T1 SBM k-means clustering (unsupervised) Four data-driven distinct classes of TLE, associated with histopathology and seizure outcome
Gazit et al. (2016) 76 EPI Task-fMRI BOLD LR 89% concordance with WADA to lateralize language hemisphere
Ibrahim et al. (2017) 21 EPI (P) rs-fMRI FC SVM ACC = 0.86–0.88 to predict VNS response
He et al. (2017) 56 TLE (30 R, 26 L), 28 HC rs-fMRI Network measures SVM ACC = 0.70 to predict seizure outcome after surgery
Paldino et al. (2017b) 45 FE (P) rs-fMRI Network measures RF R = 0.95 to predict epilepsy duration
Paldino et al. (2017a) 30 FE (P) rs-fMRI Network measures RF ML revealed no effect of motion parameters or general amnesia during the scan for IQ prediction
Zhang et al. (2018) 24 FE rs-fMRI FC, Network measures RF 0.49 of fractional variation to predict IQ
Gleichgerrcht et al. (2018) 50 TLE DTI Network measures NN PPV = 0.88, NPV = 0.79 to predict seizure outcome after surgery
Taylor et al. (2018) 53 TLE (30 L, 23 R) DTI Network measures SVM, E-net LR ACC = 0.792 to retrospectively predict seizure outcome after surgery
He et al. (2018) 50 TLE (25 R, 25 L), 30 HC fMRI (task, rs) Network measures RF ∼100% prediction for verbal fluency, improvement from traditional methods
Mithani et al. (2019) 56 EPI (P) DTI FA SVM ACC = 0.83–0.89 to predict VNS responders, when combined with MEG
Yao et al. (2019) 287 EPI Routine MRI Visual assessment DT, RF, SVM, LR, XGBoost AUC = 0.979 to predict AED responders, 0.918 for early responders when combined with clinical info/EEG.
Paldino et al. (2019) 27 FE (P) rs-fMRI Network measures RF 0.34 fractional variation to predict IQ
Zhang et al. (2019) 117 AVM T2 Location, Radiomics LASSO ACC around 0.800 to predict epilepsy occurrence
Li et al. (2019) 10 TLE-HS (5 R, 5 L) T1 Morph (SBM, etc.) RF, LR Accurately predict the optimal trajectories for LITT
Ernst et al. (2019) 46 GAD, 34 VGKC, 48 HC T1 Morph (GMV, etc.) DT Spec. = 0.87, Sens. = 0.80 for GAD vs. VGKC
La Rocca et al. (2020) 53 TBI T1 Network measures RF AUC = 0.75 to predict seizure occurrence after TBI
Gleichgerrcht et al. (2020) 168 TLE T1, DTI Network measures NN AUC = 0.88 to predict seizure outcome after surgery by BC
Höller et al. (2020) 9 TLE, 19 MCI, 4 SCI, 18 HC T1 Morph (GMV, etc.) SVM Sens/Spec = 0.70–0.90 to predict cognitive decline over time, when combined with MRI, EEG, Neuropsychology.
Larivière et al. (2020) 30 TLE-HS (R 19, L 11), 57 HC T1, DTI, rs-fMRI Connectivity distance LR ACC = 0.76 to predict seizure outcome after surgery
Mazrooyisebdani et al. (2020) 27 TLE (R9, L18), 85 HC rs-fMRI FC SVM, SVR ACC = 0.81 for TLE vs. HC. R = 0.61–0.75 to predict neuropsychology
Akeret et al. (2020) 923 brain tumors T1, FLAIR Anatomical features DT, GLM, RF, GBM, NN, SVM, GAM AUC = 0.79, ACC = 0.72 to predict seizure occurrence when combined with clinical info
Lee et al. (2020b) 89 FE (P) DTI WM tract CNN ACC = 0.92 to predict functional deficit after surgery
Wang et al. (2020) 205 LGG-related EPI T2WI Signal, shape, etc. Novel radiomic nomogram AUC = 0.863 to predict epilepsy type
Sinha et al. (2021) 51 TLE, 29 HC T1, DTI Network measures SVM AUC = 0.84 to predict seizure outcome after surgery
Kini et al. (2021) 89 TLE FDG-PET PET signal RF ACC = 0.71 to predict seizure outcome after surgery

ACC, accuracy; AD, axial diffusivity; AUC, area under the ROC curve; AVM, arteriovenous malformation; BC, betweeness centrality; BOLD, blood-oxygen-level-dependent; CNN, convolutional neural network; DT, decision tree; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; E-net LR,; EPI, epilepsy; FA, fractional anisotropy; FC, functional connectivity; FC, functional connectivity; FE, focal epilepsy; fMRI, functional MRI; GAD, anti-GAD-related encephalitis; GAM, generalized additive model; GBM, gradient boosting algorithm; GLM, generalized linear model; GMV, gray matter volumes; HC, healthy controls; L, left; LASSO, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; LGG, low-grade gliomas; LITT, laser interstitial thermal therapy; LR, logistic regression; MCD, malformation of cortical development; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MD, mean diffusivity; Morph, morphological features; NN, neural network; (P), pediatric cases; R, right; RD, radial diffusivity; RF, random forest; rs, resting-state; SBM, surface-based morphometry; SCI, subjective cognitive impairment; sMRI, structural MRI; SVM, support vector machine; SVR, support vector regression; TBI, traumatic brain injury; TLE, temporal lobe epilepsy; VGKC, anti-VGKC-related encephalitis.