Nox2 regulates STAT3 signaling pathway. (a, b) The protein levels of VEGE-A, p-STAT3 and STAT3 in placentae (n = 12). c-f. Western blotting analysis of p-STAT3 and VEGF-A expression in control and Nox2-knockdown or Nox2-overexpression cells (n = 3). g-i. Western blotting analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic distribution of p-STAT3 in PVECs with Nox2 knockdown or overexpression; histone H3 and β-Actin serve as nuclear and cytoplasmic markers, respectively (n = 3). k, l. The mRNA expression levels of STAT3-targeted genes (n = 5). m-p. Protein overturn assay. PVECs with Nox2 silence or overexpression were incubated with 12 μg/mL CHX for the indicated interval; Western blotting was employed to observe the p-STAT3 protein levels (n = 3). q. Immunoprecipitation (IP) analysis of the interaction of Nox2 and STAT3. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.