Figure 4.
Prolonged AngII infusion results in pronounced abdominal aortic lumen dilation and increased AAA size in XOF compared to XXF. A, % change in abdominal aortic lumen diameters from baseline at various time points during prolonged infusions of AngII to XXF and XOF mice. B, Maximal AAA external diameters of XXF and XOF mice. C, AAA incidence of XXF and XOF mice at study endpoint. AAA incidence percentage illustrated within each bar. D, Aortas from mice of each group, the last aorta on the right within the XOF group was classified as ruptured. Data are mean ± SEM from XXF (n=12), XOF (n=7). *, P<0.05 compared to XXF. $, p<0.05 compared to day 0 within genotype.