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. 2021 Jul 6;13(7):e16214. doi: 10.7759/cureus.16214

Table 1. Cases of intracardiac metastasis of laryngeal cancer.


AFib – atrial fibrillation; AV – atrioventricular; CHF – congestive heart failure; CRT – chemoradiation; CT – computed tomography; CXR – chest radiograph; ECG – electrocardiogram; Echo – echocardiogram; F – female, HSM – holosystolic murmur; HR – heart rate; IVS – interventricular septum; L – left; LV – left ventricle; M – male; Mo(s) – month(s); MRI – magnetic resonance imaging; N/A – not available; PET – positron emission tomography; PVC – premature ventricular contraction; R – right; RBBB – right bundle branch block; RT – radiotherapy; RV – right ventricle, RA – left atrium; RLE – right lower extremity; RT – radiotherapy; RWP – R wave progression; SCC – squamous cell carcinoma; SEM – systolic ejection murmur; SOB – shortness of breath; VT – ventricular tachycardia

* short decrescendo diastolic murmur at left sternal border 3rd interspace that increased in intensity with inspiration

**distended jugular veins, hepatomegaly, bilateral pitting oedema

Author (year), country Age, gender Primary site Stage Primary treatment Time from Dx to cardiac mets Symptom/physical exam findings Diagnostic test ECG changes Cardiac metastasis location Metastasis treatment
Linell (1922), UK [3] 43 y/o, F Larynx IV Tracheotomy (inoperable tumor) 12 days Severe pain over the precordium Autopsy N/A Pericardium, R auricle None
Palmer (1964), USA [11] 59 y/o, M R piriform fossa, aryepiglottic fold, R hypopharynx N/A Surgery 1 mo. Confusion, shock Autopsy HR of 180 with bigeminy, tachycardia Myocardium None
  49 y/o, M L piriform fossa N/A Surgery 13 mos. None Autopsy N/A Pericardium, myocardium None
  58 y/o, M L piriform fossa N/A Surgery 11 mos. None Autopsy N/A Myocardium None
  63 y/o, M L piriform fossa N/A Surgery 12 days Tachycardia, intractable CHF Presumptive by CXR and EKG; autopsy Nonspecific changes in the T-waves Myocardium, pericardium None
Harrer (1970), USA [12] 69 y/o, M Larynx N/A N/A 2 mos. (to death) None Autopsy N/A Intraventricular septum None
  54 y/o, M Larynx N/A N/A 26 mos. (to death) None Autopsy N/A Epicardium None
  32 y/o, M Larynx N/A N/A 4 mos. (to death) None Autopsy N/A Pericardium None
  63 y/o, M Larynx (anterior commissure, L vocal cord, the base of the epiglottis) II RT + surgery (negative surgical margins) 1 year (15 mos. to death) Chest pain L anterior side; PVC; grade 3 SEM, grade 2 diastolic murmur* Autopsy First degree heart block, RBBB, pathologic Q-waves Pericardium, epicardium, myocardium of LV, RV, RA, endocardium None
Barton (1979), UK [13] 58 y/o, M Epiglottis, R aryepiglottic fold, arytenoid and false vocal cord N/A Surgery + RT 17 mos. Chest infection, haemoptysis Autopsy N/A Pericardium, LV, LA, RV None
Tallon (1990), Canada [14] 50 y/o, F Hypopharynx, lateral pharyngeal walls, posterior cricoid, larynx T3N2M0 Tracheostomy, RT 8 mos. SOB, fatigue, anorexia, productive cough Autopsy Sinus tachycardia, poor RWP, nonspecific S-T changes in inferior leads RV endocardium, tricuspid valve None
Larkin (1994), USA [15] 41 y/o, M Larynx IV Surgery N/A Syncope, irregular HR Echo; autopsy Rapid AFib; RBBB, persistent ST-elevation in V1 to V6 Pericardium, RV None
Renders (2005), Belgium [6] 54 y/o, M Larynx T4N2M0 RT 4 mos. SOB, fatigue, atypical chest discomfort; signs of RV failure**, bilateral basal crackles, HSM over tricuspid area Echo, RV angiogram, CT, MRI, percutaneous RV biopsy Low QRS voltages, ST segment elevation in leads V2 to V5, 3rd degree AV block RV Compassionate care
Gullulu (2006), Turkey [1] 63 y/o, M Larynx N/A CRT + surgery 1 year Dull sternal pain, nausea, diaphoresis; coarse crackles in the lower right lung Postmortem biopsy New convex ST segment elevation in V1-V4 without Q waves Myocardium None
Alhakeem (2008), USA [9] 49 y/o, M Larynx N/A Surgery + RT 2 years Dyspnea, left-sided chest pain, hypotension, tachycardia Echo, CT Inverted T waves in the infero-lateral leads RV free wall, LA, LV lateral free wall, IVS, annulus of the tricuspid valve N/A
Kavanagh (2012), Croatia [16] 50 y/o, M R hemilarynx, sublingual carcinoma N/A RT + surgery (negative surgical margins) 5 years Dyspnea; cyanosis; sudden cardiac arrest Autopsy Ventricular fibrillation, asystole RV, conduction system infiltration None
Rangel (2012), Portugal [8] 71 y/o, M Larynx N/A Surgery + RT 1 year Atypical chest pain, worsening fatigue Echo, CT Sinus tachycardia, poor RWP, slight ST segment elevation in leads V1-V3 RV apex and free wall, IVS; pericardium adjacent to LV lateral wall Palliative treatment proposed
Gunduz (2015), Turkey [17] 47 y/o, M Larynx N/A N/A N/A Dyspnea Echo N/A LV endo-myopericardium; RV pericardium None
Vaduganathan (2016), USA [18] 69 y/o, M Larynx N/A N/A N/A Fatigue, stable VT requiring cardioversion Echo, cardiac MRI ST elevations in I, aVL, V2-V4, V6; 2:1 AV block LV mass involving apico-anterolateral and apical septal myocardium Systemic chemotherapy
Tregubenko (2021), USA (current study) 63 y/o, M Larynx T3N2bM0 Surgery + CRT 6 mos. None PET, echo Poor RWP, nonspecific ST-T changes in inferior and precordial leads RV Palliative RT