Overexpressing CBP60b results in constitutive immune responses. A and B, Representative growth of WT and two independent lines overexpressing CBP60b-GFP (OE1 and OE2) at three WAG (A) or five WAG (B) under LD conditions. C–J, Relative transcript abundance of immune genes including PR1 (C), PR2 (D), EDS1 (E), PAD4 (F), SID2 (G), FMO1 (H), NUDT6 (I), and BKK1 (J). K, Sensitivity of the indicated genotypes to Pto DC3000. Plants at five WAG were infiltrated with Pto DC3000 (OD600 = 0.0001). Bacterial growth was determined 2 h post-inoculation (0 day) or 3 d post-inoculation (3 d). L, Transcript abundance of CBP60b in WT and two OE lines by RT-qPCRs. M and N, Relative transcript abundance of CBP60g (M) and SARD1 (N). Values are means ± se (n = 3) for (C)–(N). Experiment was repeated three times with similar results. From (C) to (N), different letters indicate significantly different groups (one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s multiple comparisons test, P < 0.05). See also Supplemental Figures S4, S5.