PGDH1-deficiency impairs protein and purine biosynthesis. A, Protein synthesis in shoot and root tissues of EV and PGDH1-silenced lines (1 and 2) was determined by analyzing 35S-methionine incorporation into proteins. Data presented are means ± sd of n = 5. B, AMP synthesis was examined by quantifying fully labeled 15N-AMP in shoots and roots of plants grown at a.CO2 (ambient CO2, 400 µL L−1) and at e.CO2 (elevated CO2, 4,000 µL L−1) on medium supplemented with 15NO3. For (A) and (B), data presented are means ± sd of n = 5. Asterisks indicate significantly different values between EV and PGDH1-silenced lines by the Student’s t test (*P < 0.05). C, PRGR of EV control plants and PGDH1-silenced lines in the absence (Mock; −) or the presence (Adenosine [0.25 mM]; +) of 0.25-mM adenosine is shown. Data (n > 20) are shown as box plot (white, EV control; gray, PGDH1-silenced lines 1 and 2); the line represents median; the whiskers represent 1.5 IQR and dots show outliers. Asterisks indicate significantly different values between Mock and adenosine-treated EV plants and PGDH1-silenced lines by the Student’s t test (*P < 0.05).