Selective optogenetic excitation of PVNAgtr1a evokes a delayed firing response from putative presympathetic neurons. A, Schematic of the AAV-mediated gene transfer approach used to direct expression of eYFP and ChR2 to PVNAgtr1a. B, Current-clamp recordings of putative presympathetic neurons. LED stimulation evokes increased firing frequency under control conditions (top) and in the presence of DNQX/APV (bottom). C, Summary data showing the increased firing of putative presympathetic neurons before and after LED-induced excitation of PVNAgtr1a (p < 0.05, n = 4 cells from 2 animals). The LED-evoked firing increase persisted in the presence of DNQX/APV (p < 0.05, n = 6 cells from 3 animals)). p < 0.05. Error bars indicate SEM.