Impaired heterosynaptic plasticity in L2/3 neurons from visual cortex of A1R KO mice. a, A scheme of intracellular tetanization, bursts of depolarization-induced postsynaptic spikes without presynaptic activation. b, EPSP amplitude changes after intracellular tetanization in WT and KO animals plotted against the amplitude of control EPSP before plasticity induction. Blue circle symbols, data from WT mice (N = 22 inputs); blue horizontal bar at y-axis, their average; pink square symbols, data from A1R KO mice (N = 20 inputs); pink horizontal bar at y-axis, their average. WT versus KO: 102 ± 6.8 versus 74.5 ± 5.0%, p = 0.0053 (KS test, D = 0.532). c, Frequency of occurrence of LTP and LTD after intracellular tetanization in neurons from WT and KO mice (χ2 test, p = 0.033). See Extended Data Figure 2-1 for details of statistical analyses.