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. 2021 Jul 3;8(4):ENEURO.0475-20.2021. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0475-20.2021

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Non-linear FC-to-SC data completion. An iterative procedure can be used to perform resting-state simulations of an MFM model starting from a randomly guessed structural connectome SC* and progressively modify this SC* to make it compatible with a known target FCemp. A, Starting from an initial random SC*(0) matrix, there is no correlation between the target FCemp and the generated FC*(0) matrix. However, by adjusting the weights of the used SC* through the algorithm of Table 2, SC* gradually develops a richer organization, leading to an increase of the correlation between FC* and FCemp (violet dashed line) and in parallel, of the correlation between SC* and SCemp (violet solid line), as shown here for a representative subject within the SCemp + FCemp subset. The algorithm stops when the correlation between FC* and the input target FCemp reaches a desired quality threshold (here 0.7 after 2000 iterations) and the SC* at the last iteration is used as virtual surrogate SCMFM. B, The boxplot shows the distribution of correlation between SCemp and SCMFM for all subjects in the SCemp + FCemp ADNI subset and the healthy ageing dataset. C, The correlation between SCemp and SCMFM can vary using different random initial connectomes SC*(0). Here, we show a boxplot of the percent dispersions of the correlation values obtained for different initial conditions around the median correlation value. The fact that these dispersions lie within a narrow interval of ±2.5% indicates that the expected performance is robust against changes of the initial conditions. See Extended Data Figure 4-1 for linear FC-to-SC completion.