Table 1.
COVID-19-HBO: overview of inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria |
Aged 18–90 years |
PaO2/FiO2 (PFI) below 200 mm Hg (26.7 kPa) (based on ABG measurement) | |
Suspected or verified SARS-CoV-2 infection | |
At least two risk factors for increased morbidity/mortality
| |
Exclusion criteria |
ARDS/pneumonia caused by other viral infections (positive for other virus) |
ARDS/pneumonia caused by other non-viral infections or trauma | |
Known pregnancy or positive pregnancy test in women of childbearing age | |
Patients with previous CT verified lung fibrosis more than 10% | |
CT-verified or spirometry-verified severe COPD with emphysema | |
Contraindication for HBO according to local guidelines* | |
Not likely to need ICU admission within 7 days of screening (subjective criteria that may exclude any patients who fulfil the other inclusion criteria but where the treating physician suspect a spontaneous recovery) | |
Mental inability, reluctance or language difficulties that result in difficulty understanding the meaning of study participation | |
Prisoner | |
Unable/risk to move patient to hyperbaric chamber |
*Contraindications are described in the Standard Operations Procedure for each centre; generally, includes claustrophobia, pneumothorax, severe COPD.
ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; HBO, hyperbaric oxygen.