Fig. 8. Environmental parameters and diazotroph distributions.
a Distribution across gradients of nutrients and temperature in surface waters. Blue circles correspond to samples with diazotrophs, while red crosses indicate absence (i.e., no detection of nifH reads). b NMDS analysis of stations according to Bray–Curtis distance between diazotroph communities of size-fractionated surface samples. Fitted statistically significant physico-chemical parameters are displayed (adjusted P value < 0.05). NMDS stress values: 0.07276045, 0.1122258, 0.1452893, 0.09693721, and 0.07969211. c Depth distribution. The scatter plots compare the diazotroph abundances between surface (5 m) and deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM; 17–180 m) for cyanobacteria (red points) and non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs (NCDs, blue points). Axes are in the same scale and the diagonal line corresponds to a 1:1 slope. Source data are provided as a Source data file.