Application of 4-Hydroxytamoxifen (4-HT) for the induction of Melanoma formation
(A) Mice are sedated with 3% Isoflurane.
(B) Mice are shaved at the lower back near the base of tail.
(C) Hair depilatory cream is applied for 2–3 min to remove residual fur.
(D) Wet swab used to remove the cream.
(E) Dry and inspect skin for any residual fur.
(F) Place mice back in the cage with a heating lamp to allow recovery.
(G) Using a pipette tip, add 2μl of 5mM 4-HT to the shaved, exposed skin.
(H) Use the side of a pipette tip to spread 4-HT on the skin and allow it to dry before placing the mouse back into the cage