Credit programmes and their respective fund sources applied for pasture recovery in Brazil (pasture, tillage, soil fertilization, soil correction and soil protection in livestock activities). Values are total from January 2013 and April 2021, deflated by the National Consumer Price Index (INPC), in US$ million. Programmes are: Low Carbon Agriculture (ABC), National Program for Family Farming (Pronaf), National Program for Medium Sized Producers (Pronamp). Single credits not linked with specific programmes (NOP) and nine other smaller programmes together (all others). Fund sources are: Brazilian Development Bank/Finame with subsidized credit (BNDES-S), Rural Savings with restricted interest rates (RS-R), Rural Savings with unrestricted interest rates (RS-U), Center Western Constitutional Fund (FCO), Northeastern Constitutional Fund (FNE), Northern Constitutional Fund (FNO), Compulsory Resources from checking deposits reserves (CR), Hybrid Capital Debit Instrument (IHDI) and all other sources as unrestricted resources (All others).