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. 2021 Jun 23;12:692553. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.692553

Table 2.

Clinicopathological features of adenomatoid tumors of the adrenal gland.

NO. Author and citation Age-gender-side Greatest dimension (cm) Clinical Findings and symptoms Gross Histologic patterns Extension Lymphocytes infiltrate/aggregate Signet-ring-like cells Positive IHC staining Negative IHC staining Follow-up
1 Evans et al. (3) 36-M-L 11.0 IRF (painless gross hematuria) Solid-cystic Papillary, glandular, cystic No Not stated Yes Not stated Not stated 8 months
2 Travis et al. (4) 24-M-L 1.1 IRF (Cushing syndrome) Solid-cystic Cystic Cortex and periadrenal adipose tissue Not stated Not stated AE1/AE3, vimentin, EMA (weakly positive) Not stated 6 months (died of pulmonary carcinoid)
3 Simpson (5) 44-M-L 3.2 IRF (hypertension) Solid-cystic Adenoid, angiomatoid, cystic, solid Cortex, medulla and periadrenal adipose Yes Yes AE1/AE3, CAM 5.2, CK7, vimentin, CK5/6 (weak and focal) CD15, CD31, CD34, CK20, MOC31, CEA-P 177 months
4 Raaf et al. (6) 49-M-R 1.3 IFA Solid Classic No Not available Not available MAK-6, AE1/AE3, vimentin Not stated Found at autopsy
5 Raaf et al. (6) 57-M-L 3.8 IFA Solid Classic No Not available Not available MAK-6, AE1/AE3, vimentin Not stated Found at autopsy
6 Raaf et al. (6) 50-F-R 0.5 IFA Solid Classic No Not available Not available Not stated Not stated Found at autopsy
7 Raaf et al. (6) 40-M-L 6.0 IRF (CT scan during sarcoma staging) Cystic Cystic No Not available Not available MAK-6, AE1/AE3, vimentin Not stated Not stated
8 Angeles-Angeles et al. (7) 34-M-R 3.0 IFA (AIDS) Solid Round, oval, irregular, or tubular spaces, papillary Cortex/medulla Not stated Not stated Low molecular weight cytokeratin CKAE-3, vimentin (weak reaction) CD34, FVIII Found at autopsy (died of acute bilateral pneumonia)
9 Gasque et al. (8) 28-M-R 9.0 IRF (acute cholecystitis) Solid-cystic Adenoid, cystic No Yes Not stated CAM 5.2 Neuroendocrine markers 16 months
10 Glatz et al. (9) 54-M-L 6.5 IRF (pneumonia) Solid-cystic Papillae, tubular spaces and gland-like, solid Cortex Yes Yes Cam5.2, Lu-5, calretinin thrombomodulin(weakly) CEA, MOC-31, BerEP4, CD34 Not stated
11 Isotalo et al. (10) 37-M-L 3.1 IFS (rectal adenocarcinoma) Solid-cystic Adenoid, angiomatoid, cystic, solid Cortex, medulla and periadrenal adipose Yes Yes AE1/AE3, CAM 5.2, CK7, vimentin, CK5/6 (weak and focal) CD15, CD31, CD34, CK20, MOC31, CEA-P 40 months
12 Isotalo et al. (10) 31-M-R 3.2 IRF (asymptomatic) Solid Adenoid, angiomatoid, solid Cortex/medulla Yes Yes AE1/AE3, CAM 5.2, CK7, vimentin, CK5/6 (weak and focal) CD15, CD31, CD34, CK20, MOC31, CEA-P Not stated
13 Isotalo et al. (10) 31-M- Not stated 3.5 IRF (hypertension) Solid Adenoid, angiomatoid, solid Cortex Yes Yes AE1/AE3, CAM 5.2, CK7, vimentin, CK5/6 (weak and focal) CD15, CD31, CD34, CK20, MOC31, CEA-P 50 months
14 Isotalo et al. (10) 64-M-L 1.2 IFA Solid Adenoid, angiomatoid, cystic Cortex, medulla and periadrenal adipose Yes Yes AE1/AE3, CAM 5.2, CK7, vimentin, CK5/6 (weak and focal) CD15, CD31, CD34, CK20, MOC31, CEA-P Found at autopsy
15 Chung-Park et al. (11) 51-M-R 3.0 IRF (hypertension of primary aldosteronism) Solid Anastomosing glands and cleft-like spaces, multiple microcysts and canalicular spaces Cortex Yes Yes Cytokeratin, calretinin Syn, CgA, factor VIII, CD34, S-100 Not stated
16 Kim et al. (12) 33-M-L 1.7 IRF (hypertension) Solid Variably sized cystic spaces Adrenal parenchyma Not stated Yes Cytokeratin, calretinin CD34 Not stated
17 Denicol et al. (13) 42-M-L 19.0 IRF (renal lithiasis, hypertension) Solid-cystic Small tubules, cysts or string-shaped No Not stated Not stated AE1/AE3, vimentin CEA, CD31 3 years
18 Garg et al. (14) 46-M-L Microscopical IRF (central and right flank abdominal pain) Cystic Anastomosing glands and tubules No Yes Yes Calretinin, CK5/6 HMB45, myeloperoxidase Not stated
19 Garg et al. (14) 33-M-L 1.7 IRF (hypertension) Solid Anastomosing glands and tubules No Yes Yes Calretinin, CK5/6 HMB45, CD34, myeloperoxidase Not stated
20 Garg et al. (14) 33-M-R 4.2 IRF (asymptomatic) Solid Anastomosing glands and tubules No Yes Yes Calretinin HMB45, CD34, myeloperoxidase 1 year
21 Varkarakis et al. (15) 54-M-R 3.6 IRF (renal lithiasis) Solid Sheets, tubules (with heterotopic ossification) Cortex Not stated Not stated Calretinin Not stated 1 year
22 Hamamatsu et al. (16) 30-M-L 3.0 IFA Solid Anastomosing glands and various sized tubules Cortex Yes No Calretinin, D2-40, WT1, MC, CA125, vimentin, thrombomodulin, AE1/AE3, OV-TL 12/30, CAM5.2, MNF116 CD31, CD34, factor VIII-related antigen, CD56 ER, AR Found at autopsy (acute coronary thrombosis)
23 Fan et al. (17) 42-M-L 2.5 IRF (hypertension, left renal cyst and nephrolithiasis) Solid Anastomosing, variably sized tubules, channels and small cystic Cortex/medulla Not stated Yes CK7, calretinin, EMA, antimesothelial cell antibody, vimentin CEA, CD34, CD105, F8, VEGFR3 Not stated
24 Timonera et al. (18) 47-M-R 7.0 IRF (diverticulitis) Solid Anastomosing tubules and cystic spaces Cortex Yes Not stated D2-40, calretinin, CK5/6(weak reactivity) Not stated Not stated
25 Timonera et al. (18) 52-M-R 5.5 IRF (hypertension) Solid-cystic Anastomosing tubules and cystic spaces Cortex Yes Not stated D2-40 and calretinin, CK5/6(weak reactivity) Not stated Not stated
26 Hoffmann et al. (19) 26-M-R 15.0 IRF (asymptomatic) Cystic Glandular formations No Not stated Not stated Cytokeratin, calretinin CD31, CD34, CD56 Not stated
27 Bisceglia et al. (20) 39-M-R 5.5 IRF (asymptomatic, cancer of the left colon 4 years ago) Cystic Variably sized, anastomosing tubules, channels, and small cystic spaces Cortex/medulla Yes Yes Pan keratins, CK5/6, calretinin CD34, FVIII-RAg, CD31 Not stated
28 Chaudhry et al. (21) 60-M-R 11.0 IRF (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and impaired fasting glucose) Solid-cystic Large cysts, fenestrated channels, and anastomosing tubules No Not stated No Calretinin, WT-1, pan-epithelial markers Factor VIII, CD31, CD34 Not stated
29 Białas et al. (22) 29-M-R 4.0 IRF (asymptomatic) Solid Gland-like spaces and focal cystic dilation and solid nests Cortex Yes Yes AE1/AE3, CK7, calretinin, D2-40, vimentin, CK5/6(focal) CD31, CD34, Factor VIII, CK20 Not stated
30 El-Daly et al. (23) 51-M-L Not stated IRF (asymptomatic) Solid-cystic Variably sized tubules and fenestrated channels Cortex, capsule and periadrenal fat Yes Not stated Calretinin, Cam5.2, CK7, vimentin, EMA (focally) ER, CD31, CD34, Factor 8, CgA, Syn, S100, inhibin Not stated
31 Liu et al. (24) 44-M-L 17.0 IRF (asymptomatic) Cystic Glandular and nest-like formations No Not stated Not stated Calretinin, EMA CD34, CD56, HMB45 3 months
32 Phitayakorn et al. (25) 22-M-R 2.5 IRF (HIV infection) Solid Nests, cords, and tubules enwrapped the ipsilateral renal artery and vein Not stated Yes Calretinin, AE1/AE3, CAM 5.2 CD31, CD34, Factor VIII 7 months
33 Limbach et al. (26) 24-M-L 3.6 IRF (asymptomatic, SDHD mutation) Solid Anastomosing tubules and channels Cortex/medulla, adrenal capsule and periadrenal fat Yes Yes AE1/AE3, calretinin, WT-1, S100(focally) Syn, CgA, CD31, CD34 6 months
34 Li et al. (27) 32-M-L 4.0 IRF (asymptomatic) Solid Cystic and sinusoid-like channels Adjacent adrenal tissues Yes Yes CK5/6, calretinin, D2-40, MC, vimentin, EMA (focally) CgA, NSE, CD10 2.5 years
35 Zhao et al. (28) 62-M-R 3.0 IRF (hypertension) Solid-cystic Tubules, fenestrated channels, and small cystic spaces Cortex, adrenal capsule and periadrenal adipose tissue Yes Not stated AE1/AE3, CK5/6, calretinin,vimentin CD31, CD34, FVIII, CEA, SMA, HMB45, Melan-A, S100 8 months
36 Sağlıcan et al. (29) 40-M-R 5.5 IRF (asymptomatic) Solid-cystic Papillary, microcysts and tubules Cortex Yes Yes AE1/AE3, calretinin CD34, CD31 1 year
37 Krstevska et al. (30) 30-F-R 8.0 IRF (asymptomatic) Cystic Cystic spaces No Yes Not stated Vimentin, S100, MCA mesothelial Ag, CD 69 Actin, CK7, CD3 4 years
38 Jiang et al. (31) 26-M-R 4.0 IRF (asymptomatic) Solid Variably sized tubules and fenestrated channels No Not stated Yes CK5/6, calretinin, WT-1, D2-40, vimentin CD34, CgA, Syn, S100 Not stated
39 Dietz et al. (32) 28-M-R 4.8 IRF (chronic abdominal pain) Solid Tubular, pseudoangiomatous No Yes Yes CK7, D2-40, BAP1, calretinin Not stated Not stated
40 our case 30-M-R 3.5 IRF (palpitation and dizziness) Solid angiomatoid, cystic and solid Cortex/medulla Yes Yes AE1/AE3, calretinin, D2-40, HBME-1 (focal) HMB45, Melan-A, Desmin, Actin, S100 21 months
41 our case 31-M-L 8.0 IRF (asymptomatic) Solid angiomatoid, cystic and solid Cortex/medulla Yes Yes AE1/AE3, CK7, calretinin, D2-40, WT-1 HMB45, Melan-A, Desmin, S100, Syn, CgA, CD31, CD34 8 months

M, male; F, female, R, right adrenal gland; L, left adrenal gland; IRF, incidental radiographic finding; IFA, incidental finding during autopsy; IFS, incidental finding during surgery for unrelated reasons; Syn, synaptophysin; CgA, chromogranin, CK5/6, cytokeratin 5/6.