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. 2020 Nov 5;16(3):280–306. doi: 10.1016/j.ajps.2020.10.001

Table 2.

Alginate fibre composite prepared via electrospinning technique.

Additive material Additive material content (wt%) Composite preparation Composite characterisation Ref.
Essential oil 0.5–1.5 Carrier: PVA
2% sodium alginate/8% PVA blend at 20/80 and 30/70 ratio
Filler is varied according to 3 different type of essential oil: clove, cinnamon, and lavender
Sodium alginate/PVA/filler electrospun toward cotton gauze at varied voltage (15, 20, 25 kV), distance to target (10, 15, 20 cm), and flowrate (0.2, 0.25, 0.3 ml/h)
Uniform fibres obtained in viscosity range 1120 – 1280 cP.
Essential oil addition increase viscosity but reduce surface tension and conductivity of spinning solution
Uniform and bead free fibre obtained at 20/80 sodium alginate/PVA blend with 1.5% clove oil at electrospinning parameter of 20 kV voltage, 15 cm distance, and 0.2 ml/h flowrate
ZnO NPs 0.5–5 Carrier: PVA
2% sodium alginate/16% PVA blend at 1/3, 1/1, and 3/1 ratio
Sodium alginate/PVA/ZnO electrospun toward aluminium target at 17 kV voltage, 5 cm distance to target, and 0.1 ml/h flow rate
Average fibre diameter of 220 – 360 nm. [53]
Chitosan 70:30 filler/
Carrier: PEO
2.4% sodium alginate/1.6% PEO blend at 1/1
Sodium alginate/PEO and chitosan/PEO coaxially electrospun toward aluminium target at varied voltage (22 to 30 kV), distance to target (7 to 15 cm) and flowrate (0.4 to 0.5 ml/h)
Average fibre diameter of 154 nm.
Mixture of polyanionic alginate and polycationic chitosan form a spontaneous ionic complex leading to core/shell nanofiber composite, where alginate as core and chitosan as shell
Composite maintain its integrity after 24 h immersion in water
Organic rectorite 1 Carrier: PVA
2% sodium alginate/10% PVA blend at 10/90, 20/80, 40/60, 60/40 ratio
Sodium alginate/PVA/rectorite electrospun toward aluminium target at 17 kV voltage, 5 cm distance to target, and 0.1 ml/h flow rate
Organic rectorite promote bacterial inhibition ability against E. coli and S. aureus [55]
Soy protein isolate (SPI), vancomycin drug 10–50 Carrier:PEO
3% sodium alginate/3% PVA blend at 7/3, 6.3/2.7, 5.6/2.4, 4.9/2.1, 4.2/1.8, 3.5/1.5 ratio
Sodium alginate/PEO/SPI with and without vancomycin drug electrospun toward aluminium target at 15 kV voltage, 15 cm distance to target, and 0.5 ml/h flowrate
Uniform fibre with average diameter of 200 nm obtained at 5.6/2.4 sodium alginate/PEO blend with 20% filler and further loaded with vancomycin drug
Upon immersion in water, drug release was found to be 4% at 4 h, 69% at 16 h and 85% after 30 h
Glutamine 35 mg/ml Carrier: polyethylene oxide (PEO)
2% sodium alginate/6% PEO blend at 30/70
Sodium alginate/PEO/glutamine electrospun toward aluminium target at varied voltage (10 – 16 kV), distance to target (10 cm and 15 cm), and flowrate (0.1 – 1.0 ml/h)
Average fibre diameter of 160 nm.
Work of mucoadhesion, tensile strength and elongation at break values of the glutamine loaded nanofibers were found to be 0.165 mJ/cm2, 2.61 MPa and 6.62% respectively.
85% of drug diffused from nanofiber at the end of 4 h, shows potential as an oromucosal drug delivery system
Gatifloxacin 1 Carrier: PVA
2% sodium alginate/10% PVA blend at 3/7, 2/8, 1/9 ratio
Sodium alginate/PVA/gatifloxacin electrospun toward aluminium target at 20 kV voltage, 10 cm distance to target, and 0.1 ml/h flow rate
Uniform fibre obtained at 3/7 NaAlg/PEO blend with 1% filler
Upon immersion in saline solution, drug release was found to be 10% at 1 h, 44% at 3 h and 93% after 8 h
Pullulan 10 Carrier: not used
Sodium alginate concentration: 0.8%, 1.6%, 2.4%
Sodium alginate/pullulan blend electrospun using free surface electrospinning machine at 30 kV with 300 mm length electrode positioned 180 mm above ground electrode
Continuous and bead free fibre with diameter 57 – 87 nm obtained at sodium alginate concentration between 0.8% to 1.6% [59]
Ciproflaxin 0.02–0.48 Carrier: PEO
Surfactant added: Triton X-100 or Pluronic F-127
2%−5% sodium alginate/1.5%−2.0% PEO blend at 1/1 ratio
Sodium alginate/PEO/ciproflaxin electrospun toward aluminium target at varied voltage (6 – 10 kV), distance to target (15 – 10 cm) and flowrate (0.1 – 1.0 ml/h)
Uniform fibre with diameter 119 – 161 nm obtained only when surfactant is added
Upon immersion in saline solution, drug release was found to be 24% in the first 20 h
Nano hydroxyl apatite (nHAP) 1.67–10.02 mg/ml Carrier: PVA
2% sodium alginate/14% PVA blend at 1/2 ratio
Sodium alginate/PVA/nHAP electrospun toward aluminium target at 11 kV voltage, 17 cm distance to target, and 0.32 ml/h flowrate
Addition of 1.64 wt% nHAP enhanced fibre tensile strength enhanced about 45% [61]
Poly-caprolactone (PCL) 10 Carrier: not used
Sodium alginate concentration: 1%, 3%, 5%
Sodium alginate/PCL dissolved in 20/80 methylene chloride/dimethyl formamide solution
Electrospun at 1 kV voltage and 0.5 ml/h flowrate toward PCL strut that is immersed in ethanol
Compared to pure PCL scaffold, scaffold that embed alginate/PCL fibre showed significantly enhanced hydrophilic behaviour, water absorption (∼8 fold) and significantly biological activities (∼1.6 fold for cell viability at 7 d ∼2.3 fold for osteogenic differentiation activity at 14 d, and 6.4 fold for calcium mineralisation at 14 d) [62]
Methycrylated gelatin (GelMA) 20–50 Carrier: PEO
Surfactant added: Pluronic F-127
20% – 50% (w/v) GelMA added to different sodium alginate/PEO ratio
0.1% photoinitiator is added to solution mixture in order to chemically crosslink GelMA upon 365 nm UV exposure on resulting composite fibre
Sodium alginate/PEO/GelMA electrospun toward either aluminium target or ethanol bath at 7 kV voltage, 7 cm distance to target, and 0.1 ml/h flowrate
Chitosan, silver NP 1% silver NP in chitosan solution Carrier: PEO
Surfactant added: Triton X-100
3% sodium alginate/3% PEO blend at 50/50 ratio
Sodium alginate/PEO electrospun toward aluminium target at 17 kV voltage, 17 cm distance to target, and 0.8 ml/h flow rate
Electrospun fibre immersed in chitosan/silver nanoparticle solution at varied duration (5, 10, 15 min)
Silver nanoparticles impregnated into electrospun alginate nanofibres by complexion with chitosan
Swelling of fibrous electrospun mat decrease from ∼276% to ∼150% with increasing immersion time in chitosan/silver nanoparticle solution
MgO NP 10 Carrier: PVA
2% sodium alginate/10% MgO added to 10% PVA at 3/2 ratio
Sodium alginate/PVA/MgO electrospun toward aluminium target at varied voltage (26 – 28 kV) and flowrate (8 – 10 µl/min) with distance to target of 10 cm
Bead free fibre with diameter between 60 – 250 nm
Enhanced mechanical (E = 0.17 GPa, ▲240%; σ = 4.33 MPa, ▲179%; ε = 6.73%, ▼26%) and improved thermal stability.