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. 2021 Jun;10(6):2669–2681. doi: 10.21037/tau-20-1236

Table 1. Studies combining penile prosthesis implantation with additional penile plication.

Ref (year) Study period/origin/follow-up Number of patients (mean age) Surgical technique Implant type Pre-OP curvature Post-OP residual curvature Post-OP satisfaction rate Post-OP penile length Complications
Rahman et al. (2004) 2000–2003 USA, 22 mo 5 (42 yr) Plication prior to PPI; 1-2 pair of 2-0 non-absorbable sutures; simple plication without tunical incision Inflatable 3-piece penile prothesis 90° None N/A N/A No major complication
Hudak et al. (2013) 2007–2012 USA, 14 mo 11 (N/A) Simple plication without tunical incision; series of 2-0 non-absorbable sutures; no degloving Inflatable 3-piece penile prothesis 41° (30°–55°) 4° (0°–10°) 90.9% 80% subjective shorter penis No major complication
Chung et al. (2014) 2010–2013 USA, 15.4 mo 18 (63 yr) Simple plication without tunical incision; 2-3 pair of 2-0 non-absorbable sutures; no degloving Inflatable 3-piece penile prothesis 39° (30°–60°) <5° (<5°–12°) 83.3% 50% subjective shorter penis No-functioning Implant: 1; Herniated space of Retzius reservoir: 1
Tausch et al. (2015) 2007–2014 USA, 13 mo 30 (N/A) Simple plication without tunical incision prior to PPI: 23
Yachia corporoplasty after PPI: 7
Inflatable 3-piece penile prothesis Plication: 38° (20°–80°); Yachia: 33° (25°–45°) <10° Plication: 95%; Yachia: 86% N/A No major complication
Fang et al. (2018) 2015–2016 USA, 6–18 mo 5 (33–77 yr) Simple plication; no degloving; non-absorbable sutures Inflatable 3-piece penile prothesis 40°–50° 15° in one patient N/A Subjective loss of penile length: 50% of patients No major complication

IPP, inflatable penile prosthesis; mo, months; N/A, not available; OP, operative; PPI, penile prosthesis implantation; pt(s), patient(s); yrs, years.