Table 4.
Effects of Tie2 activators in preclinical cancer studies.
Agent | Effects on Host | Effects on Primary Tumors | Effects on Metastases |
COMP‐Ang1 | [+] ↓ Host organ damage from ionizing radiation: by reducing intestinal EC apoptosis[P] a ; protecting ECs and hematopoietic cells in bone marrow to ↓ myelosuppression[ a ] |
[○] Monotherapy does not ↑ tumor growth in s.c. LLC model [ a ] c [+] In combination, ↑ anti‐tumor activity of chemotherapy on s.c. LLC tumors by “normalizing” tumor blood vessels & ↑drug delivery [ c ] c [−/+] Slight trends of ↑growth but ↓invasiveness of orthotopic LM2‐4 tumors[P] d |
[−] Treatment of primary s.c. LNM35 tumors ↑ metastatic dissemination to the lungs—via blood vessel enlargement and increased tumor cell intravasation and extravasation[ d ] e [○] Concurrent perioperative use does not improve adjuvant sunitinib therapy in resected orthotopic LM2‐4 model[P] d |
Bow‐Ang1 | Not examined. |
[○/−] Monotherapy did not promote tumor growth, but concurrent use reversed inhibitory effects of Ang2 blocker on tumor growth/angiogenesis in s.c. Colo205/A431 models f [−] Long‐term use reduced tumor responsiveness to VEGF blockade by stabilizing tumor blood vessels in orthotopic SK‐NEP‐1 model g (Huang et al, 2009 ) [−/+] Slight trends of ↑growth but ↓invasiveness of LM2‐4 tumors d |
[+] Perioperative short‐term use, +/−aflibercept, ↑OS of adjuvant paclitaxel chemotherapy in resected orthotopic LM2‐4 model d |
AKB‐9778 |
[○] ↓Permeability & ↑diameter of blood vessels in skin i [○] No change in systemic blood pressure i |
[○] Monotherapy does not accelerate primary tumor growth in orthotopic 4T1, E0771, P0008, MMTV‐PyVT breast cancer models i [+] Stabilized blood vessels, ↑perfusion, ↓hypoxia, and ↑radiation response in established orthotopic 4T1 primary tumors (Goel et al, 2013 ) |
[+] Adjuvant monotherapy ↓ lung metastases in resected orthotopic 4T1 model by inhibiting tumor cell extravasation i [+] Addition to adjuvant doxorubicin chemotherapy showed trend of ↑OS in resected orthotopic 4T1 model (Goel et al, 2013 ) |
ABTAA | [○] No vascular changes in kidneys, cornea, tracheal mucosa, and ear skin of normal mice j | [+] ABTAA normalized tumor vessels, ↓tumor hypoxia, favorably altered TAMs and Treg’s, ↑ chemotherapy delivery, and ↑OS in orthotopic GL261 glioma model and s.c. LLC model j |
[+] ABTAA ↓ lung and lymph node metastases in s.c. LLC model j [+] ABTAA ↓ lung metastases in spontaneous MMTV‐PyMT breast cancer model j |
AB‐Tie1‐39 | No obvious effects on immune cell infiltration k | [+] AB‐Tie1‐39 had modest effects on primary orthotopic mouse 4T1 breast cancer k | [+] Reduced lung metastasis when used in neoadjuvant treatment settings. k |
[+], Therapeutic benefit; [○], no therapeutic benefit; [−], worsened disease; s.c., subcutaneous; OS, overall survival; LLC, Lewis lung carcinoma; LM2‐4, a highly metastatic derivative of MDA‐MB‐231 human breast cancer cell line (Munoz et al, 2006; Man et al, 2007); LNM35, a highly metastatic derivative of NCI‐H460 human lung cancer cell line; SN12, SK‐NEP‐1, human renal cancer cell lines; A321, human epidermoid cancer cell line; Colo205, HT29, human colorectal cancer cell lines; TAMs, tumor‐associated macrophages; Treg’s, tumor‐infiltrating regulatory T cell; [ k ] and [P], COMP‐Ang1 delivered by intravenously injected adenoviral vector versus protein.
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